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Tag Archives: regulation/oversight

FTC signals support for right-to-repair push

Published: May 13, 2021

Exterior of the FTC building in Washington, D.C.

Recently the FTC said it would help with legislative efforts to increase consumer access to device repair. | Mark Van Scyoc / Shutterstock

When OEMs restrict the independent repair of electronics, they’re disproportionately hurting communities of color and lower-income people, federal regulators said.

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Analysis details costs of a state’s e-scrap regulations

Published: March 25, 2021

Documents clipped together in black and white.

The draft rules in Wisconsin will boost government oversight of e-scrap processors, with a goal of preventing expensive e-scrap cleanups. | Michail Petrov/Shutterstock

Wisconsin’s draft e-scrap regulations will mean added expenses for businesses, but the bulk of the costs will fall on OEMs, not e-scrap processors, according to a state analysis.

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Metech and California regulators settle waste lawsuit

Published: March 4, 2021

Court gavel rests on a leather binder on a desk.

The settlement pertains to violations that occurred in 2015, 2016 and 2017, when Metech and its five U.S. e-scrap facilities were still owned by Singapore-based company Metech International. | zimmytws/Shutterstock

Metech Recycling will pay the state of California $310,000 in penalties to settle a legal fight over years-old waste law violations.

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California may add OLED devices and others to recycling program

Published: January 14, 2021

Store display of LG OLED televisions.

California officials are testing a variety of electronic devices to measure the concentrations of metals and compare them to the thresholds listed in the California Code of Regulations. | Sorbis/Shutterstock

E-scrap processors in California could get paid by the state to recycle additional types of electronic devices, depending on the outcome of toxicity testing by officials.

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Pandemic upends certification audit sector

Published: July 30, 2020

Working on a laptop at a desk wearing a headset.

Remote audits have become a more common option in recent months. | shelleygraphy/Shutterstock

The coronavirus has forced e-scrap companies to navigate material supply shifts, tackle new safety concerns and confront wider economic uncertainty. Another complication to add to the list: certification audits.

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ITAD firms weigh in on bank’s $60M data mismanagement fine

Published: October 15, 2020

Morgan Stanley building exterior.

The Treasury Department fine against Morgan Stanley was related to a 2016 decommissioning of two Wealth Management business data centers in the U.S., as well as ITAD vendor control management deficiencies in 2019. The company doesn’t believe any client information has been accessed or misused.| Ken Wolter/Shutterstock

The U.S. Treasury Department has issued a major fine to Morgan Stanley for improper management of drives. Executives in the electronics recovery sector say the case reaffirms the warnings they have been giving to corporate partners for years.

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Groups weigh in on federal recycled-product procurement

Published: July 23, 2020

Closeup of printer cartridges inside an HP printer.

In comments to the EPA, NASA recommended that federal procurement guidelines point purchasers toward recycled-content ink cartridges. | David Tonelson/Shutterstock

As the U.S. EPA updates its lists of recycled-content products purchased by federal agencies, recycling stakeholders have chimed in about electronics.

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BAN offers update on its EarthEye tracking program

Published: June 18, 2020

Global network concept.

The Basel Action Network estimates that since the EarthEye program started over a dozen customers have used the trackers. | Aunging/Shutterstock

Samsung is deploying 40 GPS trackers a year to follow the downstream movement of scrap electronics. Processors, including Kuusakoski, have used the devices to track the movement of recovered commodities.

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Basel proposal pushes to further regulate e-scrap exports

Published: June 11, 2020

Cargo containers stacked at a shipping terminal.

The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is an international treaty governing how waste is moved around the world. | mayday6510/Shutterstock

Multiple countries are proposing to expand restrictions on the global movement of discarded electronics.

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Details emerge on scope of Closed Loop CRT cleanup

Published: May 14, 2020


A photo from consulting firm AECOM shows a view inside of 1655 Watkins Road in 2015, when Closed Loop still operated in the space.

E-scrap company Novotec will be paid up to $14 million to recycle or dispose of over 128 million pounds of CRT materials at former Closed Loop Refining and Recovery warehouses in Ohio, newly released documents show.

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