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Category: Top stories

New kind of carbon credits could be boon for sector

Published: July 25, 2024


Bloom ESG predicted that in the near future a new generation of environmental certificates, called carbon insets, will become a revenue stream for recyclers. | Chayanuphol/Shutterstock

In the near future, ITAD and e-scrap recyclers should expect industry consolidation and the rise of a new kind of environmental certificate that could create revenue streams for recyclers, advisory firm Bloom ESG predicted in a new white paper.  Continue Reading

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ERI reports 2023 was its ‘most financially successful’ year yet

Published: July 25, 2024


ERI reintroduced 120.39 million pounds of commodities into the economy and processed 3.6 million pounds of electronics for reuse in 2023. | SibFilm/Shutterstock

Of the 124 million pounds of e-scrap nationwide processor ERI collected last year, 97% was processed for commodity recovery and the remaining 3% went to reuse. That was one takeaway from the company’s latest sustainability report. Continue Reading

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Canadian province proposes e-scrap program changes

Published: July 25, 2024


The Canadian province is considering a number of changes, including expanding the list of devices covered under the program to include cell phones, small appliances and power tools. | Billion Photos/Shutterstock

The Saskatchewan government has proposed expanding its e-scrap program to cover cell phones, power tools and more. Continue Reading

Basel regulations unite BAN and SERI in collaboration

Published: July 18, 2024

Cargo containers stacked at a shipping terminal.

Basel Action Network and Sustainable Electronics Recycling International have put aside their long-standing differences to help U.S. members comply with the Basel Convention. | Mayday6510/Shutterstock

Upcoming changes to the Basel Convention are likely to disrupt some industry practices when they take effect next year. But the changes have already had one remarkable impact: They’ve brought together two often rival certification organizations to advocate for industry-wide compliance with the new rules. Continue Reading

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OEM invests in rare earth recycler Cyclic Materials

Published: July 18, 2024


Canadian rare earth recycler Cyclic Materials got a boost from Microsoft’s Climate Innovation Fund. | Joaquin Corbalan P/Shutterstock

Cyclic Materials received an investment from Microsoft’s Climate Innovation Fund to accelerate the company’s technology for recovering rare earth metals from hard drives. Continue Reading

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UN: E-commerce growth drives e-scrap volumes

Published: July 18, 2024

A pile of mixed e-scrap material.

The UN Conference on Trade and Development said in its Digital Economy Report that developing nations shoulder a disproportionate share of the environmental impact from global digitalization. | KPixMining/Shutterstock

People living in developed countries generate more than 20 times as much e-scrap as their counterparts in developing countries, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s recently released 2024 Digital Economy Report.  Continue Reading

Bilingual workforce training program assists e-scrap sector

Published: July 11, 2024


A $380,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office will help REMADE and partners create online workforce training in English and Spanish for a variety of e-scrap recycling roles. | – Yuri A/Shutterstock

The REMADE Institute got a federal financial boost to develop online e-scrap workforce training in multiple languages, targeting roles that don’t require four-year college degrees. Continue Reading

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Feds fund consumer-facing battery collection

Published: July 11, 2024

Li-ion batteries collected for recycling

The two nationwide projects will collect household batteries and help improve access to recycling programs in underserved communities. | Vietnam Stock Photos/Shutterstock

Two battery recycling projects will add drop-off locations at hundreds of Staples and Batteries Plus across the country thanks to U.S. Department of Energy funds, the agency announced this week. Continue Reading

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Watchdog group launches whistleblower platform

Published: July 11, 2024

laptop user

Whistleblowers are invited to report a variety of poor recycling practices in the e-scrap industry. | GaudiLab/Shutterstock

The Basel Action Network this week rolled out a confidential reporting website seeking to make it easier for observers to report poor e-scrap management practices, such as questionable exports of devices and e-plastics, data security lapses and problematic storage or disposal. Continue Reading