A trucking company is suing two electronics recycling firms and a logistics provider, claiming they were responsible for a battery explosion and fire that injured employees and damaged property.
A trucking company is suing two electronics recycling firms and a logistics provider, claiming they were responsible for a battery explosion and fire that injured employees and damaged property.
A southeast U.S. e-scrap company that recently filed for bankruptcy says it is out of cash and has CRT devices on hand, although the exact volume of material is unclear.
An electronics manufacturers group is holding a contest to spur research into electronics and applicance recovery in the U.K. Continue Reading
The Secure E-Waste Export and Recycling Act calls for extensive restrictions on exports of end-of-life electronics in the name of thwarting illegal counterfeiting operations abroad.
As the IT asset disposition industry matures, market factors are pushing hard toward more asset reuse rather than commodity sales. That’s according to a report from Midwest ITAD firm Cascade Asset Management. Continue Reading
A recent survey from Greenpeace found more than half of respondents would be OK upgrading to new cellphone models less frequently. Continue Reading
The repair site iFixit has offered kudos to Apple’s newest phone for ease of battery access and criticism for the addition of tri-point screws.
What’s the cure for today’s low commodity prices? Stop recycling devices you can repair and resell instead.
TVs dominate the end-of-life stream in Washington state now more than ever. They just don’t look like they used to, with fewer CRT devices and more flat-panel displays coming in the door.
Apple’s release of the iPhone 7 and the more advanced iPhone 7 Plus last September pushed consumers to let go of earlier models. Analysis from one industry firm shows how pricing for used phones has played out since then.