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Tag Archives: Exports

E-scrap export restriction proposal moves to Senate

Published: February 10, 2022

US Capitol building why sky and clouds.

A bill passed by the U.S. House prohibits the export of e-scrap, with a number of exceptions. | Dennis Diatel/Shutterstock

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the America COMPETES Act on Feb. 4, moving a restriction of e-scrap exports closer to becoming law than previous efforts achieved.

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As bill nears finish line, senators urge e-scrap export ban

Published: March 24, 2022

Cargo ship at port.

Lawmakers have included an e-scrap exports ban in the U.S. House version of the America COMPETES Act. | Jordi Prats/Shutterstock

This story has been corrected.

Two U.S. senators have reintroduced the Secure E-waste Export and Recycling Act as a tactic to push inclusion of e-scrap export prohibition text in the final version of the America COMPETES Act. 

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New tariff codes may better describe e-scrap exports

Published: March 3, 2022

Cargo containers at port in Turkey.

Updated tariff codes may help provide more specific detail of what e-scrap commodities are part of the export stream. | phil berry/Shutterstock

A newly adopted schedule of tariff codes provides more detailed categories for e-scrap shipments moving over international borders. The changes could usher in a more detailed look at U.S. exports of key e-scrap commodities.

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Amid shipping crisis, recycling loads often ‘first to get cut’

Published: October 21, 2021

Cargo stacked at port in Indonesia.

Global shipping constraints are impacting recovered commodities traders in unique ways. | Creativa Images / Shutterstock

Strife in the global shipping sector continues to impact North American recycling, with companies experiencing higher rates as well as decreased shipping availability and reliability.

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Mixed-plastic exports on slight upswing this year

Published: June 10, 2021

Port of Oakland, Calif.

From January through March of this year, U.S. companies exported 120 million pounds of mixed plastics. | Rich Lonardo / Shutterstock

U.S. shipments of mixed plastic, a category that includes plastics recovered from electronic devices, jumped in the first quarter. Nearly two-thirds of the plastic went to Canada.

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E-scrap export ban comes before Congress again

Published: May 13, 2021

Cargo ship on the water outside Miami, Fla.

Past iterations of SEERA would allow exports of tested and functional devices as well as some separated commodities destined for recycling. | lazyllama / Shutterstock

National legislators have reintroduced a bill that would restrict the export of certain end-of-life devices. A coalition of electronics recycling stakeholders voiced support for the proposal.

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