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Tag Archives: Exports

Lawmakers revive bill to restrict e-scrap exports

Published: June 28, 2019

Shipping containers stacked in a logistic yard.

Previous iterations of the Secure E-Waste Export and Recycling Act have struggled to gain traction. | Sreytoch Lann/Shutterstock

Federal legislators have reintroduced legislation banning exports of untested, non-working electronics, a move that could significantly alter the way that many e-scrap companies handle material.

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Basel proposals could upend export landscape

Published: February 11, 2021

Cargo containers at port in Turkey.

The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is an international treaty governing how waste is moved around the world. | phil berry/Shutterstock

The Basel Convention has published multiple proposals that would restrict U.S. exports of scrap electronics. The changes will be considered at a meeting this summer.

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Experts talk impact of material exports to Africa

Published: February 11, 2021

Map with a pin in Ghana.

Researchers delved into the question of exactly what is actually happening on the ground with electronics shipments to Africa. | Wead/Shutterstock

During a recent panel discussion, an e-scrap researcher and a journalist described the consequences of exporting electronics to developing nations. They also discussed how much of that material is reusable and how much is truly waste.

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Basel plastic rules cause immediate e-plastics strife

Published: January 14, 2021

Cargo ship with terminal in background.

Scrap plastic traders are facing challenges from increased freight rates and cancellations of bookings by shipping lines as Basel regulations are implemented. | Mariusz Bugno/Shutterstock

Recent changes to global regulations on scrap plastic shipments have shaken up the export market for plastics recovered from electronics.

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Groups question US-Canada Basel plastics arrangement

Published: December 17, 2020

Cargo shipping containers.

Because the U.S. is not a party to the Basel Convention, exports to the 180-plus countries that are parties to the convention will be more complicated, or may even be prohibited by local laws. | AnkaFed/Shutterstock

The U.S. government has made public an agreement with Canada to continue shipments of scrap plastic, including e-plastics, despite global regulations tightening next year. Environmental advocates are troubled by the deal.

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China sets import standards for select non-ferrous grades

Published: October 22, 2020

Cargo stacked in a logistics hub.

Industry group ISRI said that updated import guidelines are an acknowledgement from China that scrap materials are products, not waste. | Maha Heang 245789/Shutterstock

Chinese authorities have published updated standards for imports of recovered brass, copper and aluminum. They’re set to go into effect on Nov. 1.

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Export roundup: BAN accuses Dell; Thailand updates policy

Published: October 8, 2020

Export shipping terminal scene on the water.

The Basel Action Network recently publicized a Thai government decision making official a previously announced ban on e-scrap imports. | KAMONRAT/Shutterstock

The Basel Action Network this week announced changes in an overseas e-scrap import policy, and the group said an OEM broke its own policies by shipping several low-value devices to Guatemala.

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BAN offers update on its EarthEye tracking program

Published: June 18, 2020

Global network concept.

The Basel Action Network estimates that since the EarthEye program started over a dozen customers have used the trackers. | Aunging/Shutterstock

Samsung is deploying 40 GPS trackers a year to follow the downstream movement of scrap electronics. Processors, including Kuusakoski, have used the devices to track the movement of recovered commodities.

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Basel proposal pushes to further regulate e-scrap exports

Published: June 11, 2020

Cargo containers stacked at a shipping terminal.

The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is an international treaty governing how waste is moved around the world. | mayday6510/Shutterstock

Multiple countries are proposing to expand restrictions on the global movement of discarded electronics.

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