A ballot measure guaranteeing independent automotive repair shops access to crucial vehicle data passed by a large margin in Massachusetts this week. Repair advocates hailed the victory as a sign of support for broader repair legislation.
A ballot measure guaranteeing independent automotive repair shops access to crucial vehicle data passed by a large margin in Massachusetts this week. Repair advocates hailed the victory as a sign of support for broader repair legislation.
A longtime non-ferrous metals processor has shifted gears and opened his own electronics recycling facility on the east coast of Florida.
Leaders of an effort to recycle mobile phone batteries collected from West Africa recently outlined challenges and successes during their 18-month pilot project.
Electronics recycling leaders say a focus on representation as well as changes in corporate hiring and promotion practices can lead to a more diverse industry, in terms of both gender and race.
Looking to extend the lifetime of electronics, French officials plan to introduce a rating system that communicates repairability and durability to consumers.
A draft of the U.S. EPA’s National Recycling Strategy was published last week. The plan aims to foster a “stronger, more resilient and cost-effective” recycling system.
A U.S. Senator advocates for right-to-repair policies, and refurbishment stakeholders launch an alternative to an event they say promotes consumerism.
The Basel Action Network this week announced changes in an overseas e-scrap import policy, and the group said an OEM broke its own policies by shipping several low-value devices to Guatemala.
Repair hub iFixit launched a service through which the organization will work with OEMs to help them design devices for greater repairability.
After Recycle Technologies changed hands earlier this year, Lydia Keith began leading the Minnesota-based processor. She’s an industry newcomer who has spent much of her professional life in theater, which gives her a unique view of the sector.