Some New York residents now get curbside e-scrap collection service, and an article argues that Liam, the iPhone deconstructing robot, may not be your best option for recycling.
Some New York residents now get curbside e-scrap collection service, and an article argues that Liam, the iPhone deconstructing robot, may not be your best option for recycling.
The Irish celebrate impressive e-scrap and appliance recycling rates, and more communities in the U.K. are offering curbside e-scrap collection.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) suggested several amendments to an e-scrap reform bill that would hand greater program control to manufacturers. The state’s recycling community said it objected to the changes.
E-scrap recycling companies are enjoying a price rise in the gold market, and Washington state collection volumes continue to drop.
California presses felony charges over an e-scrap company’s alleged violations of hazardous waste laws, and communities in New Jersey and Wisconsin reduce or eliminate collections because of costs.
California aims to raise the recycling fee it charges buyers of new electronics, and Illinois begins to restore some of its e-scrap collection programs.