A recent government approval is expected to bring Iron Mountain, which is already a giant in the world of data storage and destruction, further into the IT asset disposition business.
A recent government approval is expected to bring Iron Mountain, which is already a giant in the world of data storage and destruction, further into the IT asset disposition business.
A key unknown during the Congressional tax negotiations was the fate of tax-exempt private activity bonds, which are frequently utilized in the solid waste and recycling industry. They are retained in the final tax bill.
The federal tax bill that passed Congress this week retains tax incentives and exemptions that could boost the recycling sector.
The weight of e-scrap generated globally has slowed or even declined in recent years, according to a recently released study. That trend comes even as the combined weight of scrap electronics and electrical appliances has grown substantially.
The founder of defunct processor Zloop is facing the possibility of decades in prison after a jury found him guilty of conspiracy and fraud charges.
A plasma e-scrap furnace malfunction at an Arkansas smelting operation two years ago has spurred a $10.5 million insurance lawsuit against an equipment manufacturer that provided certain components.
A Houston company’s rare earth element recovery technologies could mean another future revenue stream for electronics processors.
AAA Archives of Juneau, Alaska; Destroy Drive of Tampa, Fla.; DFW Shredding of Plano, Texas; Docu-Depot of LaSalle, Quebec; Filebank Record Center of Etobicoke, Ontario and MDS Records Management of Des Moines, Iowa have either achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.
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With the value of e-plastics plummeting and a major export market crumbling, North American firms are scrambling to identify ways to manage the material.
Scientists in India are working to refine the process of using microbes to extract metals from printed circuit boards.