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How group bolsters standing of India’s informal workers

Published: September 20, 2018

Reema, e-scrap picker in India

An Indian wastepicker named Reema in her electric rickshaw, which she uses to collect e-scrap from local repair shops.

Policymakers across the globe recognize the need to engage informal workers in collecting, aggregating and dismantling electronics, given their significant role in managing most of the e-scrap in emerging economies.

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Certification scorecard: Sept. 20, 2018

Published: September 20, 2018


Commonwealth Document Management of Danville, Va.; DeVries Information Management of Spokane, Wash.; Record Keepers of Bismarck, N.D. and Secure On-Site Shredding of Palm Harbor, Fla. have either achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.

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Certification scorecard: Sept. 13, 2018

Published: September 13, 2018


American Document Destruction of St. Louis; ClearData of Johannesburg; Shred Right (a Rohn Industries company) of St. Paul, Minn.; Shred-X Secure of Victoria, Australia; Shred-X Secure Destruction of Queensland, Australia; and Synetic Technologies of Kansas City, Mo. have achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.

Visit our archive to view previous editions of the scorecard.

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