The recycling rate for electronics and electrical appliances increased in the European Union in 2016, new figures show.
The recycling rate for electronics and electrical appliances increased in the European Union in 2016, new figures show.
This story has been updated.
The Indian government says it will ban scrap plastic imports, a move that threatens to further disrupt the U.S. recycling industry by closing a growing market.
A Kansas nonprofit e-scrap operator has closed its doors, citing dwindling device collections.
Machinery at the shuttered BlueOak Arkansas e-scrap smelting plant is being auctioned off late this month.
Liquid Technology managed the assets of defunct health tech company Theranos, which shuttered last year after a high-profile fraud case and other legal troubles.
Oregon regulators announced they’ve settled a case against e-scrap processor Total Reclaim, centered on the company misleading customers about how devices were being handled. The company had previously acknowledged the settlement.
A major e-scrap facility in Oman is nearing completion, bringing electronics processing to a country that has traditionally landfilled or exported material.
Two government initiatives looking to energize the lithium-ion battery recycling sector have officially launched, offering prize money to recycling entrepreneurs and a dedicated laboratory to house research projects.
Revenue and earnings for global e-scrap processor Sims Recycling Solutions dropped in the second half of 2018 compared with the same period a year earlier.
A longtime Kansas City nonprofit e-scrap operation has temporarily closed its doors, noting that financial pressure from changes in global recycling markets played into the decision.