Thirty trash and recyclables collectors were killed on the job in 2017, roughly equal to the number who lost their lives the year before, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
GreenWaste Recovery, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, has been known in the industry for its use of advanced technologies to recover materials. That company characteristic was recently bolstered by GreenWaste’s move to bring on another innovation: automated sorters with artificial intelligence.
The city of Phoenix has selected Machinex to build a 30-ton-per-hour, single-stream system in 2023. | Courtesy of Machinex
Several MRFs around the country have recently upgraded their equipment or started the construction process.
Snarls in global supply chains are impacting recycling equipment providers and MRF operators in a number of ways. | BaanTaksinStudio/Shutterstock
Equipment manufacturers and their customers are feeling the pressure of extended lead times and supply chain backups, forcing them to adapt as demand soars and supply dwindles.
Over just a few years, robotic sorting has gone from a gee-whiz laboratory curiosity to a key technology in a number of different types of facilities.
More than two years after a single-stream sorting facility launched on the coast of Florida, a funding partner has reported positive results for recycling in the area.
The largest residential garbage and recycling company in North America plans to get a lot bigger with a nearly $5 billion acquisition.
Contracts between municipalities and MRFs have seen greater focus over the past year, as the recycling world continues to grapple with changing industry economics.