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Tag Archives: collection

Google supports app providing recycling info globally

Published: July 23, 2024


Swedish app Bower was selected for a six-month fellowship and $1.9 million in funding to further develop its recycling app. | Photo Courtesy of Bower

With the help of a Google program, Swedish recycling app Bower is expanding its AI-visioning model worldwide, aiming for a world without waste.  Continue Reading

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Oregon’s 2022 recovery tonnage misses goal

Published: May 29, 2024

The State of Oregon seal at a park in Salem, Ore.

Oregon residents generated about 6.1 million tons of material in 2022, with 3.7 million tons going to landfills and incinerators and 2.4 million tons recovered. | JPL Designs/Shutterstock

The amount of material Oregonians disposed of in 2022 dropped significantly from the year before, but that was largely due to fewer building-destroying wildfires, according to the latest state Material Recovery and Waste Generation Rates report.  Continue Reading

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Local groups add e-scrap recycling sites in Pennsylvania

Published: May 14, 2024

Various electronic devices gathered for recycling.

The project from Goodwill, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center and Reworld has a goal to collect 500,000 pounds of e-scrap during its first year. | BluIz60/Shutterstock

Goodwill, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center and Reworld have added 42 free recycling sites throughout Pennsylvania, a state with a long history of electronics recycling access challenges. Continue Reading

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US plastics recovery declined in 2022

Published: April 2, 2024

Plastic waste pile

A drop in overall plastics collection contributed to a decline in the annual bottle recycling rate, which decreased to 27.8% in 2022. | Mohamed Abdulraheem/Shutterstock

Just over 5 billion pounds of post-consumer plastic was recovered for recycling in 2022, an annual industry report found, marking a decrease from the prior year. One trade association pointed to macroeconomic factors like inflation as driving the lower recovery. Continue Reading

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California releases deposit system update draft rules

Published: April 2, 2024

Different beverage containers, metal, glass and plastic.

SB 1013 brought more container types into the California Redemption Value system but also removed an option for retailers to choose to pay a $100 daily fee instead of accepting returned containers. | Andrii Koval/Shutterstock

Formal rulemaking for changes to California’s deposit system is about to begin, and draft rules shed more light on new requirements for beverage dealers and retailers. Continue Reading

Panelists: Careful use of PROs can ensure efficient collection

Published: October 4, 2023


Topics at a recent discussion of EPR programs included collection, efficiency and harmony across jurisdictions. | mi_viri/Shutterstock

Producer responsibility organizations can help drive efficiency and harmonization in extended producer responsibility programs, stakeholders suggested at a recent conference.  Continue Reading

NY mayor cuts curbside e-scrap pick-up service

Published: December 4, 2023


Mayor Eric Adams attributes the cessation of services to growing costs from the migrant crisis, among other factors. | Monster Ztudio/Shutterstock

New York City residents on Staten Island lost the option to have their scrap electronics picked up curbside after the mayor made large-scale budget cuts.  Continue Reading

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Software brings efficient data to organics collection

Published: October 30, 2023


Now that California has mandated organics collection by local governments, Zabble hopes to see growing demand for its contamination monitoring tools. | Courtesy of Zabble

When Zabble interviewed dozens of municipal recycling stakeholders in California, one of the issues the company heard about was the inability to use contamination monitoring mobile device software in the field when there’s no network signal. Continue Reading

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AI migrates from sortation to collection

Published: October 16, 2023

Mixed recyclables arranged around a recycle symbol.

Companies such as Prairie Robotics and AMCS Group are leveraging AI to craft more robust analytics, all the way down to the individual household level. | 9dream Studio/Shutterstock

Artificial intelligence is now well established in MRFs as a tool for sorting material and dramatically reducing contamination. Now, multiple companies are taking AI to an earlier stage of the recycling process by mounting cameras on collection trucks.  Continue Reading

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