Municipal programs are often short on funds, and it’s easy for recycling outreach to fall on the back burner amid budget constraints. East Hartford, Conn. recently took action on the issue by partnering with a plastics industry initiative.
New York City is moving forward with a plan to shift the financial burden of garbage collection from taxpayers to ratepayers.
Nine robots and seven optical sorters will operate at a mixed-waste processing facility coming to South Carolina. Meanwhile, a separate large mixed-waste MRF is progressing in Maine.
Over the last year, global facility operator FCC was determined to win a bid to sort Houston’s recyclables, and in the end it sweetened its offer to ensure it would be chosen. A company leader recently explained the details behind FCC’s strategy.
Tennessee’s fourth-largest city has removed glass from its single-stream curbside program.
Starting this year, all municipalities in New Jersey will be able to use one online platform to communicate recycling program information to their residents.
Colorado’s recycling advocates have taken on a new strategy aimed at boosting the state’s diversion rate. Over the past year, the Colorado Association for Recycling identified key goals and specific actions it will take to attain them, according to the group’s director.
Certain tools such as pay-as-you-throw pricing and multi-family requirements have produced compelling diversion results in communities across the country. Leaders of several programs recently shared advice for colleagues who hope to achieve similar success.
The manager of a shuttered mixed-waste processing facility in Montgomery, Ala. said depressed commodity prices and low waste volumes doomed the project. Additionally, bankruptcy filings outline millions owed to creditors.