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Tag Archives: legislation

CalRecycle updates EPR covered materials list

Published: July 1, 2024


The initial list was published in December 2023 and had 98 categories, while the updated list has 94 as some materials were double-listed. | Joseph_Sohm/Shutterstock

The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery released an updated version of the list of materials covered under its extended producer responsibility program for packaging, making nearly 30 tweaks to the list. 

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Ameripen voices opinion on draft federal labeling law

Published: July 9, 2024


A draft bill in California called the Truth in Labeling Act of 2024 would set federal parameters around recycling labels on consumer packaging. | 9dream Studio/Shutterstock

Due to its size and tendency to be on the leading edge of environmental law, California has long been seen as the bellwether, setting policy that other states will later follow – or that producers and manufacturers take as de facto law nationwide when it comes to standards. Continue Reading

Firms team up against reusable plastic bag ban

Published: July 9, 2024


The Responsible Recycling Alliance is urging lawmakers to include reusable bags made from 40% post-consumer resin in the emerging extended producer responsibility for packaging program, SB 54. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

Seeking to quash a regulatory change that would remove over 100 million pounds of North American post-consumer resin demand per year, EFS-Plastics, Merlin Plastics and PreZero US have joined together to advocate for retaining recycled-content reusable plastic bags in California’s bag regulations. Continue Reading

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Wide-ranging legislation moves in Massachusetts

Published: July 1, 2024


S 2830 seeks to regulate many single-use plastic products, improve recycling access and commission studies on extended producer responsibility, organics and PS. | Natalia Bratslavsky/Shutterstock

A bill that combines a half-dozen environmental actions, touching on extended producer responsibility for several materials, plastic bans and access to both bulky plastic and organics recycling, has passed the Massachusetts Senate and gone onto the House for consideration. Continue Reading

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Policy Update: From coast to coast, bills move or die

Published: June 11, 2024


New York Sen. Pete Harckham speaks on the Senate floor in Albany, New York as the 2024 session ends. | Courtesy of Senate Media Services

As legislative sessions start to wind down, New York failed to pass extended producer responsibility for packaging and bottle deposit updates, California moved a bill forward tweaking SB 54, and Rhode Island introduced a last-minute bottle bill.  Continue Reading

By and for Minnesotans: How packaging EPR passed

Published: May 31, 2024

Eureka Recycling facility.

Eureka Recycling, which operates a MRF in Minneapolis, supported the packaging EPR bill. | Courtesy of Eureka Recycling

After months of collaboration and negotiation, stakeholders in Minnesota walked away with an extended producer responsibility bill for packaging that had elements both familiar and unique, and an overarching question: Is this the first state in a new wave of EPR or a continuation of early adopters? 

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Full plastic bag ban passes California Senate

Published: June 4, 2024


Senate Bill 1053 revises California’s bag ban to state that reusable bags provided at point of sale cannot be made from plastic film. | jon nightingale/Shutterstock

A bill that expands California’s bag ban to prohibit all plastic bags – even the reusable recycled-content bags that are a major driver of post-consumer film resin sales – is working its way through the California legislative system.
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Packaging EPR success takes a diverse coalition

Published: June 4, 2024


A May 28 webinar, “Coalition Building for Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging and Paper Products,” shared tips and tricks for passing EPR legislation with a strong group of supporters. | OnePhoto/Shutterstock

Getting extended producer responsibility legislation passed takes a strong coalition, targeted education and a lot of meetings, those involved with the process in several states said during a recent webinar. 

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EPR program sent to Minnesota gov in budget bill

Published: May 20, 2024

Court gavel resting on books and wooden desk.

Minnesota sent an EPR bill to its governor in a budget bill. | Rawf8/Shutterstock

Minnesota is poised to be the fifth U.S. state to pass extended producer responsibility for packaging after adding the program language into the 2024 Environment and Natural Resources Budget, which is now on the governor’s desk.  Continue Reading

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New York again aiming for packaging EPR

Published: May 3, 2024

New York recycling

The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act AB 5322 in the Assembly Codes committee and its companion bill, SB 4246, is in the Senate finance committee. | robert-paul-van-beet/Shutterstock

New York legislators are once again pushing to become the fifth state in the U.S. to implement extended producer responsibility for packaging.  

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