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Industry group adopts position on environmental justice

Published: May 25, 2021


ISRI’s adopted position comes as environmental justice is a growing topic of discussion within the recycling sector. | notsuperstar / Shutterstock

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries recently affirmed its support for the “broad objectives” of the environmental justice movement, including equitable treatment for all people, positive contribution to surrounding communities, and more.

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Notes From the Field: Global lessons on EPR

Published: May 18, 2021

Close up of a meeting with microphone and papers on the desk.

The challenges of implementing extended producer responsibility programs were recently detailed by an international panel. | ESB Professional / Shutterstock

During one of the first sessions of SPC Impact 2021, held in April, an international panel sat down to discuss the challenges of implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR).

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What’s driving the 3-7 plastic market?

Published: May 18, 2021


EFS-plastics described how virgin resin pricing and other factors are impacting the recycling sector. | Ann Moore / Shutterstock

The mixed-plastics processing sector is seeing supply challenges from product labeling changes and could be significantly disrupted by chemical recycling initiatives, according to one plastics processor.

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Maine EPR bills differ on producer control

Published: May 11, 2021

The Maine state capitol building.

Lawmakers in Maine are considering two bills that each establish extended producer responsibility programs covering packaging of all material types, but with key differences in program management. | Wangkun Jia / Shutterstock

Two state proposals under consideration in the Northeast get at a central question of extended producer responsibility programs for packaging: Should the government or private industry have more control?

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