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Tag Archives: processors

Pollution impacts are just a piece of environmental justice

Published: October 13, 2021


U.S. EPA official Carlton Waterhouse told an audience at the Northeast Recycling Council’s fall conference that social equity is integral to sustainability. | Sirisak Baokaew/Shutterstock

Carlton Waterhouse, a key U.S. EPA waste official, says moving toward a circular economy is not enough. Instead, society needs a “circular economy for all.” Continue Reading

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Facility operators reflect on a turbulent few years

Published: October 6, 2021

Screenshot from the 2021 Resource Recycling Conference session.

Materials recovery facility (MRF) operators shared their insights in a session at this year’s Resource Recycling Conference, held virtually in August.

Running a successful materials recovery facility (MRF) means adapting to a changing stream, investing to upgrade equipment and navigating end market uncertainty. Three prominent MRF leaders recently shared how they’re approaching these challenges.

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Feds eye industry partners for sorting tech

Published: October 6, 2021

Battery recycling equipment- Argonne National Labratory

A materials separation module used for demonstrations at Argonne National Laboratory, located outside of Chicago. | Courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory

Scientists at a U.S. Department of Energy lab have developed unique tools that can be used to clean up shredded plastics from electronics, and they want to demonstrate them to processors.

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Demand for recycled content drives processor acquisition

Published: September 15, 2021

Signing documents at a business meeting.

Westlake Chemical Corporation on Sept. 10 announced its acquisition of Dimex, a Marietta, Ohio-headquartered reclaimer. | fizkes / Shutterstock

A manufacturer cited consumer interest in recycled products as a factor in the company’s recent acquisition of Dimex, a post-industrial PVC recycling firm.

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Star exec says acquisition opens door to ‘bigger, faster’ growth

Published: August 25, 2021

Two people in suits shake hands.

Akoya Capital Partners, a Chicago-based investment company, is the new owner of Star Plastics. | fizkes / Shutterstock

Processor and compounder Star Plastics has been acquired by a private equity firm. Company founder Doug Ritchie said the partnership will help Star expand its product line.

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Brands invest in Evergreen’s RPET expansion project

Published: August 18, 2021

Business handshake with documents on conference table.

The American Beverage Association, Ohio Beverage Association and investment firm Closed Loop Partners announced their combined $5 million investment in Evergreen’s Ohio expansion. | Takorn / Shutterstock

Beverage giants and an investment firm have decided to put millions of dollars behind a Midwest PET reclaimer’s expansion project.

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P&G will use chemically recycled Eastman resin

Published: August 11, 2021

P&G company headquarters.

In addition to signing a supply agreement, Procter & Gamble (P&G) and Eastman said they will “collaborate on initiatives addressing the infrastructure needed to increase plastic recycling rates.” | Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock

Procter & Gamble plans to incorporate post-consumer plastic that’s produced using a chemical recycling process into certain packaging later this year, the company announced.

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