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Tag Archives: HDPE

Alaskans innovate to address marine plastic pollution

Published: July 24, 2024


Grizzly Wood is made of 100% plastic waste, which limits color options but holds up well to the state’s harsh climate. | Courtesy of Alaska Plastic Recovery

A small company in Alaska is lending the state’s resourcefulness and ingenuity to creating composite lumber and addressing coastal plastics pollution.  Continue Reading

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For ADS, low bale prices offset decrease in product sales

Published: May 21, 2024


ADS purchases over 1.1 billion pounds of resin annually from 525 suppliers, half of it recycled, making it the largest plastic recycling company in the U.S. | Courtesy of Advanced Drainage Systems

Advanced Drainage Systems, currently the largest plastics recycling company in the U.S., saw lower sales over the past year due to lower demand in the construction and agricultural markets in mid-2023. But the company still reported record profit, largely due to lower feedstock prices. Continue Reading

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Analyst lays out cyclic pattern of recycled resin markets

Published: May 8, 2024


Emily Friedman of ICIS described several trends driving recycled resin markets in the U.S., during the 2024 Plastics Recycling Conference in Grapevine, Texas. | Big Wave Productions/Plastics Recycling Update

A long runup in recycled natural HDPE prices came to an end last summer, when prices plummeted to levels not seen since 2019. A market analyst with ICIS recently explained how this has become a trend in the plastics recycling market – and how the cycle is beginning again. Continue Reading

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Stina: Squeeze tubes reaching recyclability threshold

Published: May 1, 2024


Stina reported that 90% of toothpaste tubes and over 75% of all HDPE plastic squeeze tubes on the U.S market have designs compatible with color HDPE recycling streams. | ILYA AKINSHIN/Shutterstock

After nearly a decade of work, 90% of toothpaste tubes and over 75% of all HDPE plastic squeeze tubes on the U.S market have designs compatible with color HDPE recycling streams, Stina Inc. recently reported. Continue Reading

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Recycled plastic end user reports higher sales

Published: February 21, 2024


Advanced Drainage Systems reported sales of $662.4 million in its third fiscal quarter, up 1.1% year over year. | Thapana Studio/Shutterstock

Advanced Drainage Systems, the largest plastics recycling company in North America, increased sales at the end of 2023 as it experienced rising demand for its water management products. Continue Reading

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ALPLA boosts processing volume to meet 2025 resin goal

Published: January 17, 2024

Empty PET drink bottles on a blue background.

ALPLA Group processed 386,000 short tons of recycled resin in-house in 2023, double what it processed two years prior, and more investments are planned. | Alenka2194/Shutterstock

Global packaging giant ALPLA Group says it is ramping up its processing of recycled PET and HDPE as it nears a target year for its voluntary recycled content goals. Continue Reading

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