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Tag Archives: PET

Pepsi: Getting enough RPET requires better infrastructure

Published: September 11, 2019


Pepsico has a 25% recycled content goal for the company’s plastic packaging. | LuqmanLutfi Photography/Shutterstock

It’s clear the current recycling system can’t deliver sufficient resin for brand owners to hit their increasingly ambitious recycled-content goals. A PepsiCo executive recently discussed that supply gap.

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Here’s who recently received FDA recycling letters

Published: September 6, 2019


A number of companies received approval to use their recycling technology to produce recycled plastic for use in food and drink packaging.| Somsak21/Shutterstock

A company was given the go-ahead to recycle post-consumer PET into multi-layer reheatable food trays. Meanwhile, a global packaging company was OK’d to recycle LDPE films into reusable bags.

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Unifi: Cheap foreign polyester hurting US profits

Published: September 5, 2019


Unifi identified a number of factors that accounted for lower profits last fiscal year. | Recycle Man/Shutterstock

A major U.S. consumer of RPET enjoyed higher sales figures but suffered significantly lower net income last fiscal year. One reason was cheap polyester imports from China and India.

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Indorama will invest to meet increased RPET demand

Published: September 5, 2019


Indorama Ventures plans to make significant investments in its recycled PET production capabilities. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

Citing the need to meet rising demand in the near future, plastics producer Indorama is investing $1 billion in its recycling division.

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A startup, Sabic and IBM all push chemical recycling

Published: July 31, 2019

Scientist working on plastics recycling.

IBM has a goal to recover more PET from highly contaminated streams. | Credit: Wall Street Journal video.

Three different chemistry-based processes for recovering plastics have recently grabbed attention, illustrating the wide range of stakeholders working to find solutions beyond mechanical recycling.

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IHS: Recycled PET demand will outpace supply

Published: July 31, 2019

PET bottles for recycling.

A market analyst projects that PET collection rates in the U.S. would need to double to provide enough supply for consumer goods companies to meet their goals. | Myibean/Shutterstock

Market analysts say PET collection rates are insufficient to reach the amount of material brand owners will need to hit their recycled-content objectives.

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