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Author Archives: Jared Paben

About Jared Paben

Jared Paben Associate Editor Jared Paben has worked for Resource Recycling since December 2014. Most of his earlier career was spent as a reporter for the daily newspaper in Bellingham, Wash., but he also has experience working for the Oregon volunteerism commission and for Oregon nonprofits serving low-income populations. He can be contacted at

Reclaimer gets food-contact nod for OceanBound plastics

Published: August 21, 2019


As of early this year, Envision Plastics was on track to meet its goal of recycling 10 million pounds of OceanBound plastic over two years. | Damsea/Shutterstock

Envision Plastics says it received the first FDA letter allowing litter recovered from coastal areas in developing countries to be recycled into food and drink packaging.

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