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Tag Archives: marine debris

Alaskans innovate to address marine plastic pollution

Published: July 24, 2024


Grizzly Wood is made of 100% plastic waste, which limits color options but holds up well to the state’s harsh climate. | Courtesy of Alaska Plastic Recovery

A small company in Alaska is lending the state’s resourcefulness and ingenuity to creating composite lumber and addressing coastal plastics pollution.  Continue Reading

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Takeaways from a sea-faring plastics recycling project

Published: April 24, 2024


Plastic Odyssey has stopped in 20 countries over the last year and a half, working to connect local plastics recycling stakeholders and share recycling knowledge. | Photo courtesy Plastic Odyssey

It’s been nearly 18 months since a 128-foot vessel embarked on a global voyage to share knowledge and equipment with communities facing plastic pollution management challenges. A leader of the Plastic Odyssey project reported on the progress in an interview. Continue Reading

Hawai’i Megaplastic Pollution Research Center takes shape

Published: February 14, 2024


The Hawai’i Pacific University’s Center for Marine Debris Research created a Megaplastic Pollution Research Program to accelerate plastic marine debris removal and recycling in the Hawaiian Islands. | Richard Chapman – UK/Shutterstock

Marine pollution abatement, a boost to the local economy and a way to help solve the local housing crisis: A proposed project to turn marine plastic into durable infrastructure could provide all three on the island of Oahu, Hawai’i. Continue Reading

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Group urges Congress to ban EPS foodservice items

Published: September 6, 2023


In addition to its proposed ban on EPS packaging, Ocean Conservancy wants to ensure banned items aren’t simply replaced by other single-use plastic items. | Courtesy of Ocean Conservancy

As it kicks off its 38th International Coastal Cleanup, environmental group Ocean Conservancy is calling for a nationwide ban on expanded polystyrene foodservice packaging.  Continue Reading

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US-supported PET facility opens in Indonesia

Published: July 18, 2023


Prevented Ocean Plastic Southeast Asia opened an aggregation center in Semarang, Indonesia, with a capacity of about 500 metric tons per month. | Courtesy of Prevented Ocean Plastic

A company that specializes in collecting PET and other plastics at risk of entering the ocean continues to expand its collection infrastructure in Southeast Asia with support from the U.S. government.  Continue Reading

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Post-consumer plastics find uses in furniture, polymers

Published: June 21, 2023


Innovative designers are developing applications for recycled content that range from industrial molding and compounding to residential seating. | Courtesy of Herman Miller

Two companies are marketing chairs made from recycled content, and another two debuted lines of post-consumer polymers.
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Study: Reclaimers discharge ample microplastics

Published: May 9, 2023


Researchers found that one UK facility discharged somewhere between 59 and 1,184 metric tons of microplastics in a single year. | Microgen/Shutterstock

Research from the UK found that plastic recycling facilities are discharging microplastics into water systems and suggested both further research and stronger wastewater filtration systems to address the pollution.   Continue Reading

British Columbia gets fourth Ocean Plastic Depot

Published: February 7, 2023


Nonprofit Ocean Legacy Foundation partnered with the Regional District of Mount Waddington to open an Ocean Plastic Depot at 7 Mile Landfill and Recycling Centre. | Courtesy of the Ocean Legacy Foundation

British Columbians have another place to recycle plastics collected during shoreline, ocean and industrial cleanups. Continue Reading

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Firm moves brands’ dollars into collection infrastructure

Published: August 31, 2022

RePurpose Global workers recycling plastics.

RePurpose Global is currently working with over 250 businesses around the world to reduce their plastic impacts through an offset credit system. | Courtesy of RePurpose Global

The majority of Fortune 500 companies are not on track to achieve their packaging sustainability commitments, a reflection of the gap between goals and on-the-ground impacts, Peter Wang Hjemdahl said.

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Ocean Conservancy withdraws 2015 ocean plastics report

Published: July 19, 2022

Marine debris-Molishka-Shutterstock

The Ocean Conservancy has withdrawn its support for incineration as a way to combat plastic pollution. | Molishka/Shutterstock

A top environmental watchdog has rescinded its influential 2015 report, which pointed the finger at Asia for ocean-bound plastic generation and included incineration and waste-to-energy as solutions to pollution.

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