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Tag Archives: refurbishment/reuse

EPA considers factoring devices into US recycling rate

Published: April 22, 2021

Electronics collected for recycling in a bin.

Electronics recycling and repair advocates provided comments to the EPA as the agency considers changing what counts toward the national recycling rate. | / Shutterstock

If electronics are repaired, refurbished or remanufactured, should their weight be counted in the U.S. recycling rate?

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Resale market powers revenue boost for Texas company

Published: April 1, 2021

Stacked laptops for reuse and recycling against a white background.

Echo’s resale gross profit was $9.5 million in 2020, more than double the prior year’s. | Ari N/Shutterstock

A family of Dallas-area electronics processors enjoyed surging revenues and profits from the device resale business last year while the commodities recycling business grew at a slower rate.

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Trade-in exec: 5G will bolster used phone markets this year

Published: March 18, 2021

Wooden blocks showing a turn from 4 to 5 G.

An industry insider wrote that 4G devices will retain their value in the near future, allowing carriers to offload devices into secondary markets. | Dmitry Demidovich / Shutterstock

A mobile expert at Assurant says technology developments to boost cellular connectivity will help drive turnover of devices.

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Microsoft hits 84% asset reuse rate in data centers

Published: February 25, 2021

Microsoft sign in front of corporate offices.

Microsoft has plans to significantly expand its data center footprint beyond the current 3 million servers and related hardware, with sustainability in mind. | Ritu Manoj Jethani/Shutterstock

A year after establishing a handful of guiding sustainability targets, Microsoft this month published a progress report. The report touched on the company’s move to increase reuse at its data centers.

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Consumers holding onto mobile phones longer

Published: February 18, 2021

Cell phones stacked on a table.

In the annual review of company data Hyla noted that trade-in activity was slower for the full year, but that it picked up significantly in the fourth quarter. | Sonyerry/Shutterstock

Mobile device trade-ins are older than they used to be, according to recent figures from device trade-in firm Hyla Mobile. Devices are also largely retaining their value.

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Roundup of used electronics news around the world

Published: February 11, 2021

Scrap electronics for recycling.

France has begun requiring manufacturers to label their electronic products with a repairability score. | S.Dashkevych/Shutterstock

France has started requiring electronics OEMs to calculate and disclose repairability scores to consumers, and officials in Malaysia raise concerns about recent e-scrap importation in that country.

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Experts talk impact of material exports to Africa

Published: February 11, 2021

Map with a pin in Ghana.

Researchers delved into the question of exactly what is actually happening on the ground with electronics shipments to Africa. | Wead/Shutterstock

During a recent panel discussion, an e-scrap researcher and a journalist described the consequences of exporting electronics to developing nations. They also discussed how much of that material is reusable and how much is truly waste.

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Cascade survey shows pandemic’s ITAD impact

Published: January 21, 2021

Home office scene with laptop, webcam and headphones.

In the survey, 40% of Cascade’s clients indicated they slightly or greatly reduced their IT equipment disposal activities in 2020. | Vorontsova Alena/Shutterstock

The coronavirus forced many organizations to sideline IT refresh projects in 2020, but enterprise representatives say they expect to get back into the asset disposition game in 2021.

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