More details have emerged on PC Rebuilders & Recyclers’ bankruptcy case after a summary of the company’s assets and debts was filed in Illinois bankruptcy court this week.
More details have emerged on PC Rebuilders & Recyclers’ bankruptcy case after a summary of the company’s assets and debts was filed in Illinois bankruptcy court this week.
Samsung has recalled 2.5 million of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones due to a potentially dangerous problem that has caused some of the phones to explode. While this is definitely a problem for Samsung, it’s also a problem for the e-scrap processors who might be responsible for handling the phones.
Bankruptcies are a fact of the business world, and the electronics recycling sector is no exception. In the wake of last week’s news that PCCR had filed for Chapter 7, we offer a timeline of significant cases that have hit e-scrap of late.
Environmental officials in Minnesota are still attempting to get MPC, once one of the largest electronics recycling companies in the Upper Midwest, to complete the cleanup of its former operation.
Com2 Recycling Solutions is opening a facility in Georgia as it expands its capacity to produce a glaze product from CRT glass. The glaze is currently used on tile products made by Brazilian manufacturers.
Illinois-based PC Rebuilders & Recyclers (PCRR) has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, indicating it plans to sell off its assets to pay creditors.
Federal Prison Industries, Inc., better known as UNICOR, is once again facing a lawsuit regarding worker safety and environmental standards at its electronics recycling operations.
A just-released federal report sheds light on the numerous occupational health and safety dangers that likely exist at e-scrap firms throughout the country.
E-scrap recycling company Regency Technologies has partnered with Dlubak Glass Company, a processor of scrap TV and PC monitors, on a joint operation that will recycle CRT glass.
Minnesota-based Materials Processing LLC has been fined $125,000 for storing 2,500 tons of CRT glass in more than 100 semi-trailers around the Twin Cities. The company also recently closed its dual-certified Philadelphia facility, E-Scrap News has learned. Continue Reading