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Tag Archives: processors

EPA outlines multifaceted e-scrap threat from batteries

Published: August 26, 2021

Pile of lithium ion batteries for recycling.

A recent EPA report noted that beyond the immediate health and safety concerns, batteries can create a substantial financial burden for e-scrap companies. | skimin0k / Shutterstock

Federal officials recently examined battery-related fires in a variety of recycling settings, including electronics processing sites. In addition to noting safety concerns, the analysis determined that batteries “jeopardize the economics of the electronics recycling industry.”

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Acquisition helps grow Star’s line of engineered resins

Published: August 26, 2021

Two people in suits shake hands.

Akoya Capital Partners, a Chicago-based investment company, is the new owner of Star Plastics. | fizkes / Shutterstock

Processor and compounder Star Plastics has been acquired by a private equity firm. Company founder Doug Ritchie said the partnership will help Star expand its product line, which includes recycled resin that is used in electronics.

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Processor’s profits boosted by pivot to data center work

Published: August 19, 2021

Data center server room

Sims Lifecycle Services, the electronics processing branch of metals recycling giant Sims Limited, reported boosted earnings during its 2021 fiscal year. | Sanchai Khudpin/ Shutterstock

Sims Lifecycle Services is finding that repurposing data center devices continues to be considerably more profitable than recycling e-scrap, financial disclosures show.

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URT takes its frit powder project across the US

Published: July 29, 2021

CRT glass processing equipment at URT.

URT has installed equipment nationwide to processes glass from CRTs into powders used to make frit, which is an ingredient used in compounding enamels and ceramic glazes. | Courtesy of URT.

After a roughly $1.2 million investment, Universal Recycling Technologies is currently processing 100% of the leaded CRT glass it handles into a feedstock for ceramic tiles.

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