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Sims’ e-scrap profits drop nearly 17%

Published: September 6, 2019


Sims noted that lower commodity prices were a factor leading to smaller profits. | create jobs 51/Shutterstock

Sims Recycling Solutions (SRS) pulled in smaller profits during the 2019 fiscal year. But the company also pointed to stronger numbers in the second half of the year, attributing gains in part to data center recycling efforts.

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Overseas e-plastics market dries up

Published: August 15, 2019


India was the second largest importer of U.S. scrap plastic during the first six months of 2019. | Avigator Fortuner/Shutterstock

Recovered plastic, including material from end-of-life electronics, has largely stopped flowing from the U.S. into India, which until recently has been among the top importers of scrap plastics.

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Arrow: Shifting industry realities drove ITAD closure

Published: August 8, 2019


During the 10 years Arrow operated in the ITAD sector, e-commerce increased and became a competitor to the company’s business model. | dokurose/Shutterstock

Evolving ITAD economics contributed to Arrow Electronics’ decision to jettison that segment of its business, according to company leaders.

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