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Tag Archives: CRTs

The View from ISRI: It’s time to bury the landfill option for CRTs

Published: September 22, 2016

Robin Wiener

Robin Wiener

Even after being in the scrap recycling industry for over 25 years, I am still amazed at how often we have to reeducate policymakers about the business. Despite long-standing industry efforts to distinguish scrap recycling from waste disposal, many still confuse scrap recyclers with solid and hazardous waste companies.

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With demand dwindling, questions swirl around Videocon

Published: February 1, 2018


Credit: photosync/Shutterstock

For years, India-based electronics manufacturer Videocon has served as a major outlet for recovered CRT glass. But the company now says it is taking in only “limited” tonnages through its closest North American partner, and former suppliers contend that Videocon has ceased production of new CRT devices altogether.

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