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Certification scorecard: March 22, 2018

Published: March 22, 2018


Affordable Shred of Springfield, Ill.; American Document Securities of Carrollton, Ga.; Shred Ace of Durham, N.C.; Shred Aware of Eureka, Calif.; Tiger Shredding and Recycling of Baton Rouge, La. and Wasteco – Dixie Recycling Centre of Mississauga, Ontario have either achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.

Also, Dynamic Recycling of Onalaska, Wis. has renewed its NAID certification for hard drive sanitization as well as physical destruction of hard drives.

My Battery Recyclers (MYBRS) of Brooklyn, N.Y. and PureITAD of Abbotsford, B.C. have both achieved certification to ISO:14001, ISO:9001, R2:2013 and OHSAS:18001.

Visit our archive to view previous editions of the scorecard.

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In My Opinion: Addressing reactions to e-scrap tracking

Published: February 8, 2018


E-Scrap News has now published responses from five of the six companies named in Basel Action Network’s latest export report (“The Scam Recycling Continues”). In their statements, those companies have made some assertions that warrant a response. In addition, one of the company responses noted a geographic error in the recent report, and we wish to publicly correct that fact. The inaccuracy, while regrettable, has no bearing on the findings of export in the report. Continue Reading

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