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Some e-scrap firms pay out in CRT stockpile suit

Published: July 18, 2019

CRT monitors for recycling.

A number of e-scrap companies are defending themselves in court. | xfilephotos/Shutterstock

This article has been corrected.

A dozen e-scrap companies will cut checks totalling $517,000 to settle allegations they’re partially responsible for abandoned CRT materials in Ohio. Meanwhile, 15 other processors appear set to duke it out with landowners in court.

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Arrow Electronics to leave ITAD sector

Published: July 18, 2019

Closeup of a server rack.

Arrow Electronics will no longer receive devices at its facilities after Aug. 5. | basiczto/Shutterstock

Global ITAD services provider Arrow Electronics will close the asset disposition side of its business by the end of the year, after the company experienced two quarters of worsening financial returns.

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Dell report covers device recycling, tracking and more

Published: July 11, 2019

Dell laptop and motherboard.

A number of e-scrap-related items were addressed in Dell’s 2019 sustainability report. | Courtesy of Dell

A global OEM says it has achieved its 2020 electronics recycling and recycled feedstock goals. The company also adopted e-scrap tracking as a permanent part of its recycling vendor auditing program.

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