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Overseas e-plastics market dries up

Published: August 15, 2019


India was the second largest importer of U.S. scrap plastic during the first six months of 2019. | Avigator Fortuner/Shutterstock

Recovered plastic, including material from end-of-life electronics, has largely stopped flowing from the U.S. into India, which until recently has been among the top importers of scrap plastics.

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Arrow: Shifting industry realities drove ITAD closure

Published: August 8, 2019


During the 10 years Arrow operated in the ITAD sector, e-commerce increased and became a competitor to the company’s business model. | dokurose/Shutterstock

Evolving ITAD economics contributed to Arrow Electronics’ decision to jettison that segment of its business, according to company leaders.

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CRT lawsuit: Some suppliers settle, others take a stand

Published: August 1, 2019


Three former Closed Loop sites in Columbus, Ohio currently hold an estimated 159 million pounds of CRT glass. | Somchai Som/Shutterstock

More e-scrap companies are looking to settle in a legal battle over CRT stockpiling by Closed Loop Refining & Recovery. Another firm is mounting an outreach campaign arguing that suppliers who completed due diligence are not liable for cleanup costs.

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Analysts and competitors react to Arrow ITAD closure

Published: July 25, 2019


Outside of its ITAD division, Arrow is a massive supplier of electronic components and posted 2018 sales of $30 billion. | Suphaksorn Thongwongboot/Shutterstock

The shutdown of a major ITAD business has generated unprecedented response from fellow asset disposition companies, which are looking to pick up customers left without a service provider.

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