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Processors benefit from hiring an oft-overlooked workforce

Published: December 16, 2021

Bill Morris of Blue Star Recyclers

Bill Morris of Blue Star Recyclers, which today has 52 employees, 48 of whom have a diagnosed disability. | Screenshot of online presentation.

In today’s labor market, companies may only dream about having less than 10% employee turnover and little to no absenteeism in their more-repetitive jobs. But data demonstrates those are some of the advantages of employing adults with disabilities.

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Iron Mountain set to buy ITAD firm for $925 million

Published: December 16, 2021

Iron Mountain truck.

Iron Mountain will acquire 80% of ITRenew shares for $725 million in cash, with plans to purchase the remaining stake over the next three years. | Bandersnatch/Shutterstock

Data management and asset disposition giant Iron Mountain this month announced it will acquire a majority stake in ITRenew, a growing company with a focus on data center decommissioning.

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Sims opens Midwest redeployment centers

Published: December 9, 2021

View inside a data center.

Sims Lifecycle Services invested about $7 million to open facilities in Illinois and Tennessee to inventory, configure and ship out used data center equipment. | Fishman64/Shutterstock

With the pandemic continuing to hamper supply chains for new electronics, Sims Lifecycle Services has made significant investments in helping data centers reuse their old equipment.

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TerraCycle and processor launch device collection services

Published: December 9, 2021

TerraCycle's EasyPak program box sample.

This summer, TerraCycle’s EasyPak program launched mail-in serialized data destruction and electronics recycling services for businesses. | Courtesy of TerraCycle

TerraCycle has launched collection programs that will feed businesses’ used electronics to Clean Earth for data destruction and recycling. Clean Earth also recently announced its own mail-in option.

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Former e-scrap exec sentenced to three years probation

Published: December 2, 2021

Wooden gavel on black background.

Regulators estimate that Recycletronics stockpiled nearly 17 million pounds of CRT materials and other scrap electronics. | nampix/Shutterstock

The former leader of Recycletronics, an Iowa e-scrap firm that amassed CRT stockpiles and failed in 2017, has been sentenced to probation for violating federal hazardous waste laws.

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Eastern Electronics Recycling owner pleads guilty to CRT crime

Published: December 2, 2021

Old television CRT isolated on black background.

A former e-scrap business owner on Nov. 17 pleaded guilty to knowingly storing hazardous waste without a permit, in violation of federal law. | underworld/Shutterstock

The owner and operator of a North Carolina e-scrap company has pleaded guilty to illegally storing lead-bearing CRT materials.

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Sims begins calculating environmental impact of ITAD

Published: December 2, 2021

Working at a laptop.

Sims Lifecycle Solutions developed a tool to help clients take stock of the fact that asset retirement is an integral part of sustainability goals. | Vahe Aramyan/Shutterstock

Global ITAD and e-scrap processing company Sims Lifecycle Services recently launched a “sustainability calculator,” a tool to quantify for clients the environmental benefits associated with asset recovery.

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ITAD firm launches project to bridge the digital divide

Published: October 1, 2020

Young computer user at laptop.

Through the Digial Dreams Project, individual consumers and organizations can donate or trade in devices for students in need. | Farknot Architect/Shutterstock

New Jersey-based PlanITROI has kicked off an effort to help get used computers into the hands of underserved and disadvantaged students so they can study at home.

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