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Repair roundup: Celebration, legislation and education

Published: October 15, 2020

A worker repairs a mobile device.

Reuse and repair advocates recently launched an event to run as an alternative to Amazon’s “Prime Day.” | Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

A U.S. Senator advocates for right-to-repair policies, and refurbishment stakeholders launch an alternative to an event they say promotes consumerism.

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The details on Apple’s lawsuit against GEEP Canada

Published: October 8, 2020

Exterior of an Apple store.

Apple alleges its damages total $30 million Canadian, deriving from lost profits from gray-markets sales and injury to Apple’s brand image and trademarks. | IRENE COLL INGLES/Shutterstock

Apple claims GEEP Canada employees hid Apple devices out of view of an e-scrap facility’s cameras, mislabeled devices as “copper bearings” for outbound shipping, and then received kickbacks for illegally reselling them.

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Export roundup: BAN accuses Dell; Thailand updates policy

Published: October 8, 2020

Export shipping terminal scene on the water.

The Basel Action Network recently publicized a Thai government decision making official a previously announced ban on e-scrap imports. | KAMONRAT/Shutterstock

The Basel Action Network this week announced changes in an overseas e-scrap import policy, and the group said an OEM broke its own policies by shipping several low-value devices to Guatemala.

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Our top stories from September 2020

Published: October 8, 2020

Urban Mining Company building exterior

News that a rare earth recycler had received federal funding caught attention last month. | Courtesy of Urban Mining Co.

Readers last month were most drawn to a story about a rare earth recycling venture that received nearly $30 million in federal backing. A new data center play from Sims also garnered clicks.

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How a processor brought drive wiping and repair to ITAD sites

Published: October 1, 2020

Ultratest Solutions

The Genesis unit in use erasing, testing and repairing drives. | Courtesy of Ultratest Solutions.

Amid growing data security concerns, U.K.-based Ultratec has seen greater reluctance among its customers to ship unwiped drives to Ultratec’s plants for data sanitization. Bringing drive processing capabilities to customers’ sites alleviates those concerns.

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Gold maintains elevated pricing

Published: October 1, 2020

Closeup of a gold circuit board.

Gold prices reached nearly $2,000 a troy ounce in August. | savva_25/Shutterstock

Driven by investors, gold prices have remained high throughout the year, even hitting a recent record high this quarter, according to The Wall Street Journal.

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