A common reason consumers discard mobile phones is cracked screens, but technology currently in development could one day change that.
A common reason consumers discard mobile phones is cracked screens, but technology currently in development could one day change that.
New York regulators have come up with a number of recommendations to improve the state’s e-scrap recycling program, according to a report recently delivered to the state’s governor.
Apple has been slowing down the performance of iPhones with older batteries, which likely led to more of the smartphones prematurely entering the end-of-life stream.
Computer Discounters Inc. has partnered with an Ireland-based reverse logistics and ITAD company to help both businesses bolster asset recovery operations within the U.S.
A key unknown during the Congressional tax negotiations was the fate of tax-exempt private activity bonds, which are frequently utilized in the solid waste and recycling industry. They are retained in the final tax bill.
The federal tax bill that passed Congress this week retains tax incentives and exemptions that could boost the recycling sector.
The weight of e-scrap generated globally has slowed or even declined in recent years, according to a recently released study. That trend comes even as the combined weight of scrap electronics and electrical appliances has grown substantially.
A plasma e-scrap furnace malfunction at an Arkansas smelting operation two years ago has spurred a $10.5 million insurance lawsuit against an equipment manufacturer that provided certain components.
A Midwest e-scrap processor has expanded into a larger facility based on recent growth, particularly on the reuse side of the business.
Two electronics recycling companies recently ended disputes with California regulators that centered on the handling of metal-laden dust from e-scrap shredders. The situation raises debate about what material should be labeled hazardous.