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Tag Archives: industry groups

Industry council forms with eye on ‘meaningful change’

Published: June 2, 2020

Keefe Harrison, who leads The Recycling Partnership

Keefe Harrison, who leads The Recycling Partnership. | Brian Adams Photography/Resource Recycling Conference

The Recycling Partnership is bringing together three dozen individuals from across the recycling value chain for some frank discussion about how to get more types of material consistently collected and moved to end markets.

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Plastic industry’s $1B waste effort begins to outline projects

Published: May 27, 2020


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste announced earlier this month it would be supporting a female-led plastics recycling plant in Ghana. | Courtesy of ASASE Foundation.

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste is currently working to implement more than a dozen initiatives worldwide. The group’s leader recently explained key details, as well as how COVID-19 has impacted progress.

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Feds publish virus safety guidance for waste industry

Published: May 12, 2020


The CDC recently released a document covering steps employees and employers in the recycling and waste industries can take to prevent the spread of the virus. | g0d4ather/Shutterstock

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a fact sheet to help keep garbage and recycling industry workers safe during the pandemic.

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Carpet producers to end voluntary recycling subsidies

Published: May 5, 2020


The carpet recycling industry is already facing pressures from low plastics prices, a shift in polymers used in carpet and collection challenges from the coronavirus. | ND700/Shutterstock

Carpet manufacturers are halting their nationwide voluntary subsidy program for carpet recycling, which could push some struggling processors out of business.

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Guide helps programs prepare for the unknown

Published: April 21, 2020


The Continuous Improvement Fund recently released a guide to help recycling managers create contingency plans. | smolaw/Shutterstock

The coronavirus pandemic has made clear the importance of having a contingency plan when the unexpected strikes recycling programs. A new tool helps municipalities develop such guidance.

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Health officials say PPE and proper cleaning are critical

Published: April 7, 2020


Human contact is the largest factor in the spread of COVID-19, making operational changes key in combatting the pandemic. | May the light be with you/Shutterstock

Occupational safety experts recently laid out the steps that are the most effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19 within waste and recycling operations.

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