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Tag Archives: industry groups

How a packaging firm ensured its PET canister’s recyclability

Published: July 21, 2020

SmartCAN from Ring Container Technologies

Ring Container Technologies began exploring and developing a PET canister to replace traditional composite can formats early in 2017. The first SmartCANs were shipped in June 2018. | Courtesy of Ring Container Technologies.

Ring Container Technologies wanted to understand the curbside recyclability of an all-PET container versus its existing polycoated paperboard canister. So it asked recycling programs themselves.

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Coalition to fund equipment enabling PP sortation

Published: July 14, 2020

Sign for collection of #5 PP plastics for recycling.

According to The Recycling Partnership, single-family households in the U.S. may be generating as much as 1.6 billion pounds of recyclable PP scrap each year. | Sodel Vladyslav/Shutterstock

An initiative from The Recycling Partnership will provide millions of dollars in capital to help sorting facilities install equipment for PP recovery.

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Study explores southeast state’s contamination rate

Published: June 30, 2020

Recycling bins on a Florida street.

Researchers in Florida have noticed a gradual increase in contamination rates in recent years. | Blueee77/Shutterstock

MRFs in Florida have historically landfilled about one-quarter of the weight that comes in the door, according to a study commissioned by the Florida Recycling Partnership Foundation.

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How do urban and rural recycling streams compare?

Published: June 23, 2020

Waste and recycling bins outside of homes.

A research project in Ontario compared single-family and multi-family streams in medium-sized urban cities with single-family streams in rural programs. | Diana Parkhouse/Shutterstock

Officials in one area of Ontario dove deep into recycling stream composition data, producing results that informed a municipality’s new recycling contract. Continue Reading

Survey shows fast-rising MRF processing costs

Published: June 16, 2020

Cardboard for recycling.

For the latest report, 18 MRFs from 11 states provided the Northeast Recycling Council with their bale pricing and processing cost data. | Shu Ba/Shutterstock

The blended value of recyclables in the Northeast region increased during the first quarter of 2020, but MRF processing costs rose even faster, according to a survey.

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Recycling stakeholders speak out against racial injustice

Published: June 9, 2020

Jim Fish, Waste Management CEO

Jim Fish of Waste Management is one of several recycling industry players to have issued statements in the wake of national protests over racism and police brutality.

As protests continue across the country over police killings of black citizens, large U.S. recycling companies have issued statements condemning racism and reaffirming their commitments to diversity and inclusion.

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