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California’s diversion rate is now at 42%

Published: January 18, 2022

California and U.S. flags

CalRecycle’s annual report found that residents and businesses in 2020 generated 77.4 million tons of municipal solid waste, of which 42% was recycled/composted. | 20B.20Banke/Shutterstock

California’s combined recycling/composting rate increased by 5 percentage points in 2020, but the number fell far short of the state’s goal.

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US PET bottle recycling rate continues to sink

Published: November 16, 2021

PET bottles for recycling.

Data shows that in 2020 PET bottles notched a 26.6% collection rate in the U.S., down from 27.9% in 2019. | Torychemistry/Shutterstock

Demand for recycled PET increased 10% in 2020, but it was accompanied by a decrease in PET bottle collection, according to an annual report from the National Association for PET Container Resources.

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Report examines how to boost recycling markets in Texas

Published: October 5, 2021

Bales of plastics in a recycling facility.

A new report shows the bulk of recyclables collected in Texas are processed at 31 MRFs. | RYosha / Shutterstock

A comprehensive look at the Lone Star State’s recycling system identified several strategies governments can use to bolster recycling market development in their jurisdictions, including recycled-content mandates and public procurement policies.

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Editorial analysis: Population change will affect recycling

Published: September 8, 2021

Recycling carts stored before use.

A longtime recycling expert analyzes census data to help predict future recycling industry trends. | Grzejnik / Shutterstock

The release of the U.S. census for the decade of 2010 to 2020 points to important ways municipal recycling initiatives will change in the coming years. An assessment points to five key trends that will affect materials recovery efforts.

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British Columbia EPR program hits 85% recovery rate

Published: July 20, 2021

Sorted materials for recycling.

Recycle BC’s recent annual report noted a 90% recovery rate for paper, 52% for plastic, and 85% for metal. | pryzmat / Shutterstock

In 2020, a producer-funded system for paper and packaging recycling achieved a significantly higher recovery rate – and spent more money – than the year prior.

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SWANA reports drop in waste and recycling industry deaths

Published: July 7, 2021

Municipal waste and recycling collection worker with bins.

For 2020, SWANA tallied a total of 52 on-the-job waste and recycling industry fatalities. This year the numbers are trending downward. | Somchai_Stock / Shutterstock

Half as many solid waste workers were killed on the job during the first half of this year compared with recent years, according to the Solid Waste Association of North America.

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