Chicago wants to better educate residents of a neighborhood posting a 6 percent diversion rate, and two reports calls on Michigan lawmakers to take steps to boost recycling.
Chicago wants to better educate residents of a neighborhood posting a 6 percent diversion rate, and two reports calls on Michigan lawmakers to take steps to boost recycling.
Seattle collectors will no longer be allowed to flip the lid on residential garbage cans to look for banned compostables.
This story originally appeared in the November 2016 issue of Resource Recycling.
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Education has won out over punishment in Little Rock, Ark., with hauler Waste Management announcing it will no longer track the households that are placing unacceptable materials into curbside recycling carts.
Small collection facilities that run their recyclables through compactors before shipping them to larger processing centers can realize considerable cost savings, a Canadian organization has shown.
A U.K. coffee chain begins collecting post-consumer coffee cups at its 2,000 locations, and an Eastern European country has a long way to go to meet the continent’s diversion goals.
Los Angeles is slated to implement its franchise zone system for commercial haulers next month, but a lawsuit filed last week could complicate things.
Ontario lawmakers last week passed a bill mandating producers to pay the full costs of recycling printed paper and packaging. However, many specifics of the recovery system, which will target a wide range of plastic products, have yet to be determined.
This Saturday, April 22 marks Earth Day, an event that was first celebrated in the U.S. 47 years ago. Industry entities are marking the occasion with efforts that range from impactful to flat-out quirky.
A nationwide multi-family garbage and recycling collection company has been fined by a state for allegedly tossing recyclables in the trash.