This Saturday, April 22 marks Earth Day, an event that was first celebrated in the U.S. 47 years ago. Industry entities are marking the occasion with efforts that range from impactful to flat-out quirky.
This Saturday, April 22 marks Earth Day, an event that was first celebrated in the U.S. 47 years ago. Industry entities are marking the occasion with efforts that range from impactful to flat-out quirky.
A nationwide multi-family garbage and recycling collection company has been fined by a state for allegedly tossing recyclables in the trash.
The City of Calgary’s curbside recycling program has accepted plastic bags since it was rolled out in 2009, but it has faced a recurring issue: residents tossing them in the cart loose, instead of in bundles. This year, an outreach campaign aimed to address the problem head-on.
Call2Recycle has reported record volumes as it expands its focus beyond the realm of rechargeable batteries.
If a municipal recycling program wants to increase its performance, local government engagement is needed. Several program leaders made that clear during a discussion hosted by the U.S. EPA last week.
The City of Fort Worth, Texas is changing its relationship with outreach organization Recyclebank as it works to increase recycling among the multi-family and commercial sectors.
A new materials recovery facility in Florida is ready and willing to accept glass, but a local municipality refuses to send it over fears the MRF will change its mind.
The New York City Department of Sanitation and Business Integrity Commission released a report last week recommending the City adopt a franchise-zoning system for commercial waste and recycling collection.
Baltimore’s public works department failed to hit materials recovery targets for two straight years, a city audit recently found, but the department says the measurement metrics should be revised.
An effort in Austin to collect clothes at the curb aims to bolster convenience for residents, but nonprofit groups say it does so at the expense of established social programs.