Apple says it is taking steps to boost its internal recycling efforts after the diversion rate at the company’s non-manufacturing sites fell for the second year in a row.
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Apple says it is taking steps to boost its internal recycling efforts after the diversion rate at the company’s non-manufacturing sites fell for the second year in a row.
Ontario lawmakers last week passed a bill mandating producers to pay the full costs of recycling printed paper and packaging. However, many specifics of the recovery system, which will target a wide range of plastic products, have yet to be determined.
Pratt Industries, which makes paper and packaging from 100 percent recycled materials, last week held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its latest mill.
More than 130 paper recycling executives convened in New Orleans last week to consider how to possibly rejigger bale specifications to better reflect current market conditions.
A bill introduced in Ontario would implement full extended producer responsibility for paper and packaging products as the province pushes to increase diversion rates and combat climate change.
Tissue manufacturer Cascades will open a $64 million operation outside of Portland, Ore. to produce both virgin and recycled-content tissues and paper towels.
A trade group for paper sack manufacturers has made publicly available a recycling symbol and information kit on recycling.
Brand owners will have to cut bigger checks over the next year to support curbside recycling in Canada’s most populous province.
After nearly three years of discussion and testing around paper recycling, the EU Reffibre initiative has wrapped up with a final conference in Germany.
In its first full year of operation, British Columbia’s printed paper and packaging recycling program notched a 77 percent recovery rate, beating the target set by the government.