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Rep. Stevens: Feds can set the table for recycling progress

Published: April 27, 2021

U.S. Capitol building in the distance with U.S. flag and flowers in foreground.

U.S. Rep. Haley Stevens reintroduced the Plastic Waste Reduction and Recycling Act this month. | Phil Pasquini / Shutterstock

A federal lawmaker who is sponsoring legislation meant to support the plastics recycling sector says collaboration between all stakeholders, and government assistance, will bolster the U.S. recycling system.

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Asking what should count as recycling, EPA gets an earful

Published: April 20, 2021

Sorted materials at the recycling facility.

The U.S. EPA received 108 public comments as the agency seeks to revise its recycling rate calculation methodology. | janstarik/Shutterstock

If food scraps from households are composted, should that count in the nation’s recycling rate? What if they’re fed to livestock or processed in anaerobic digesters?

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Vermont bottle bill update moves through legislature

Published: April 20, 2021

The State Capitol Building in Montpelier, Vt.

Vermont’s current deposit system may soon expand to cover almost all beverages. | Victoria Lipov/Shutterstock

This story has been corrected.

Legislation that expands a Northeast state’s container deposit law passed one chamber and has moved to the state Senate for consideration. The bill adds additional beverage types into the deposit program.

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Online event dives into plastic markets, policy and more

Published: April 20, 2021

Screenshot from the 2021 Plastics Recycling Conference

Craig Cookson of the American Chemistry Council and Kate Bailey of Eco-Cycle spoke during a session moderated by Dan Leif of Plastics Recycling Update at the 2021 Plastics Recycling Conference. | Screenshot from the 2021 Plastics Recycling Conference.

The recent Plastics Recycling Conference, held online, featured eight sessions over two days. Here are some of the talking points that caught our team’s attention.

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