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Tag Archives: markets

Tariffs weaken manufacturing, business confidence

Published: September 18, 2019


In May, the New York Federal Reserve Bank estimated tariffs in effect at that time would cost the average U.S. household $831 a year. | aijiro/Shutterstock

The escalating trade war between the U.S. and China is creating uncertainty among small businesses and exacerbating a global manufacturing slowdown, according to The Wall Street Journal.

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Canadian plastics recycling decreased in 2017

Published: September 11, 2019

Canadian flag flying with building in background.

Less plastic was recycled in Canada in 2017 compared with the previous year. Frank Middendorf/Shutterstock

Canada recycled less plastic in 2017 than it did the year before, with decreases in recovery of films, non-bottle rigids and bottles, according to an annual industry report.

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Pepsi: Getting enough RPET requires better infrastructure

Published: September 11, 2019


Pepsico has a 25% recycled content goal for the company’s plastic packaging. | LuqmanLutfi Photography/Shutterstock

It’s clear the current recycling system can’t deliver sufficient resin for brand owners to hit their increasingly ambitious recycled-content goals. A PepsiCo executive recently discussed that supply gap.

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Tomra CEO sees opportunity for greater value recovery

Published: September 11, 2019


Tomra CEO Stefan Ranstrand shared his perspective on what’s needed to usher in a circular economy. | Courtesy of Tomra.

The leader of a global recycling equipment company says improved processing infrastructure will be vital to the industry’s future. But collaboration among all stakeholders is just as important.

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Plastic collectors experience persistent market strife

Published: August 14, 2019


Low prices for key commodities have, in some cases, led to the removal of plastics from curbside recycling programs. | Johnny Habell/Shutterstock

North America’s largest companies collecting, sorting and selling curbside plastics continue to feel the pain of low commodity prices.

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How a startup is recovering multi-layer flexible packaging

Published: July 31, 2019


Argentina-based Arqlite’s first gravel products were sold to customers earlier this year. | Courtesy of Arqlite.

Consulting firm B-Green was helping consumer brand owners reduce waste to landfill, but the companies’ packaging lacked a diversion solution. So B-Green went to work developing a recycling technology and end product.

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PCR flows to multi-layer applications

Published: August 2, 2019


Packaging company Mondi led a project that created a pouch made of 20% post-consumer plastic. | Courtesy of Mondi.

For years, packaging producers have been marketing recyclable multi-layer flexible packages. Now, they’re finding success using recycled plastic in their products.

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