Prices for curbside natural high-density polyethylene have climbed even higher over the past month.
Prices for curbside natural high-density polyethylene have climbed even higher over the past month.
Indorama Ventures, the world’s biggest prime PET producer, has acquired another U.S. plastics recycling company, this time on the West Coast.
Virgin resin producers Borealis and Indorama have made ambitious recycled plastic commitments, but post-consumer plastic still makes up a tiny fraction of what they sell.
Unifi, Trex and Greystone Logistics, U.S. manufacturers that use large amounts of recycled plastic, recently released their quarterly results. Unifi and Trex reported income growth. Continue Reading
Depressed commodity markets continue to slash recycling revenues for the companies that collect, sort and sell curbside plastics. Continue Reading
A Mexican company that developed a system to process post-consumer PET thermoforms will open a $7 million plant in the Los Angeles area. It’s now on the hunt for thermoform bales. Continue Reading
Overseas appetite for post-consumer scrap plastic dwindled in the third quarter. But on the domestic side, the value of recovered natural HDPE has skyrocketed and RPET demand remains strong. Continue Reading
Asia remains the destination for many plastics recovered from electronics. But as buyers relocate from China to other countries, prices are down and quality and volume are increasingly critical factors.