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Tag Archives: markets

Trex reports higher sales and profits for 2020

Published: February 24, 2021

Working with business documents.

Trex, which recycles PE film and wood fibers into composite lumber, reported 2020 sales were up 18% over the prior year. | H_Ko/Shutterstock

COVID-19 failed to dent profitability at Trex, which recycles scrap film into composite lumber. In fact, the opposite happened: Sales and profits both jumped sharply last year.

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Supply issues and virgin competition jostle resin prices

Published: February 10, 2021

Plastic pellets with blue pigment pellets.

An industry analyst recently gave insight on how the virgin plastic market is impacting recycled plastic markets. | Joyce Blessthink/Shutterstock

Recycled plastic sellers are facing cost pressures from cheap virgin material, and an expert says reclamation costs will not come down to close that pricing gap.

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Recycled resin buyers report boosted profits

Published: February 10, 2021

Working at a desk with business documents and a calculator.

Recycled-plastic consumer Unifi’s profitability increased substantially during the fourth quarter. | Elle Aon/Shutterstock

Two large manufacturers of recycled-plastic products – Unifi and Greystone Logistics – stayed on track late last year despite COVID-19 complications, financial filings show.

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Tight trucking market will persist well into 2021

Published: January 20, 2021

Many hauling trucks parked in a lot.

With fewer available drivers comes less available trucking supply, leading to higher prices and potential disruptions in trucking availability for those in the recycling industry. | Vitpho/Shutterstock

A driver shortage that was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to create challenges for moving recyclables this year, analysts say.

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‘Anomaly’ year brings recycled PET market twists

Published: December 23, 2020

Closeup of empty PET bottles.

COVID-19 and pricing pressure led companies to seek other supply lines for PET feedstock. | Pixel B/Shutterstock

A confluence of RPET market disruptions in 2020 included low prime plastic pricing and supply challenges that led end users to seek feedstock from other sources. Still, experts maintain a surge of RPET demand is fast approaching.

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Packaging producer boosts PCR consumption by 37%

Published: November 18, 2020

Amcor sign on a company building.

Amcor sees the greatest opportunity for use of PCR in its PET and HDPE rigid packaging portfolio. | Jonathan Weiss/Shutterstock

Amcor, one of the largest packaging producers in the world, used nearly 84,000 metric tons of PCR during the 2020 fiscal year, according to its sustainability report.

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