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Novolex brand begins using recycled PS in cutlery

Published: October 23, 2019

Novolex cutlery made with 20% post-consumer recycled content.

Waddington North America estimates it will use between 1 million and 2 million pounds of post-consumer PS over the next year. | Courtesy of Novolex

A U.S. manufacturer has begun producing metallized plastic cutlery with 20% recycled PS. It’s a demanding application for post-consumer material.

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Bottled water brand commits to recycled PET use

Published: October 23, 2019


Fiji Water announced it will introduce a 2.5-gallon boxed water option for the refrigerator or counter. | Courtesy of Fiji Water

Fiji Water announced it will boost the recycled content in its PET water bottles. The company also released boxed-water options to reduce plastics usage.

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The latest in marine-plastics news

Published: October 23, 2019

Plastic marine debris on an ocean beach.

SC Johnson and Plastic Bank have launched a three-year partnership aimed at preventing ocean plastics and fighting poverty. | Kochneva Tetyana/Shutterstock

A number of ocean plastics-related announcements have been made as the Our Ocean Conference kicks off today in Oslo, Norway.

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Ocean plastics expert talks policy initiatives

Published: October 16, 2019


Jenna Jambeck was the keynote at this year’s Resource Recycling Conference and Trade Show, held in late summer. | Resource Recycling Conference/Brian Adams Photography

The statistic has taken on almost household familiarity: 91% of plastic ever created has not been recycled, and a massive amount has become litter. Jenna Jambeck, a lead researcher behind that number, recently spoke about solutions to the pollution problem.

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Plastics-to-fuel powered ships will collect marine debris

Published: October 16, 2019


Oceans United will use the iCat-90 Skimmer to collect mixed plastic waste from the oceans and use the material as feedstock for fuel. | Photo courtesy Oceans United

A fleet of self-sustaining vessels will collect and process mixed plastic in the world’s waterways, a nonprofit organization announced this month.

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Here’s what is (and isn’t) becoming law in California

Published: October 16, 2019


Among the bills Gov. Newsom signed is one that prohibits hotels from providing plastic single-use shampoo, conditioner and lotion bottles. | Susanne Pommer/Shutterstock

California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed legislation forcing beverage companies to use increasingly higher percentages of recycled plastic in coming years, but he signed other bills of consequence.

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