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Tag Archives: research

E-scrap generation on the decline, study finds

Published: December 10, 2020

Various electronics gathered for recycling.

E-scrap generation, by weight, is down by almost 10% compared with its peak in 2015. | DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/Shutterstock

The weight of electronics entering the recycling stream has dropped consistently since hitting its peak in 2015, according to new research. The shift has implications for device processing and policy development.

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Survey probes COVID-19 e-scrap impact on enterprises

Published: November 19, 2020

Hands at work on a laptop.

Most enterprises say they’ve purchased laptops because of the pandemic, and most plan to resell the devices when they’re no longer needed. | Alex Ruhl/Shutterstock

Nearly half of large organizations have created job positions related to managing scrap electronics generated during the pandemic, according to a survey.
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E-scrap recycling rate increased in 2018

Published: November 19, 2020

Obsolete electronics gathered for recycling.

Figures show a modest increase in recovery and a decrease in generation were responsible for the recycling rate increase. | penofoto/Shutterstock

After declining for multiple years and then remaining flat, the U.S. electronics recycling rate inched back up in 2018, according to new figures from the U.S. EPA.

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Flexible circuit board separates in recycling solution

Published: November 19, 2020

Scientist holds a beaker with solution in a lab.

Research into a self-healable, recyclable PCB material was published in Science Advances. | totojang1977/Shutterstock

Researchers at the University of Colorado have developed a thin circuit board material, designed for wearable devices, that’s easy to recycle at its end of life.

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Mobile-shred workers uniquely vulnerable to toxic metals

Published: September 17, 2020

E-scrap piled for recycling

Researchers found that mobile shredding of hard drives and other small electronics exposes workers to airborne and surface metals dust, as is the case with in-plant shredding. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

Researchers have discovered that shredding e-scrap materials in trucks may expose employees to as much toxic metal dust as in-plant shredding, but mobile workers may not be as protected as their plant-based counterparts.

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Rare earth recycler draws $28 million in federal funding

Published: September 11, 2020

Urban Mining Company building exterior

Urban Mining Co. operates a magnet recovery facility just south of Austin. | Courtesy of Urban Mining Co.

Urban Mining Co., which uses an innovative process to recycle rare earth magnets, has received financial backing as part of the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Institute announces e-scrap research grants and issues RFP

Published: September 11, 2020

circuit board

A number of research projects looking into metal recovery from circuit boards received funding recently. | Borhax/Shutterstock

Research focused on recovering precious metals from printed circuit boards received funding from the REMADE Institute. Meanwhile, the organization will provide up to $35 million for its next round of grants.

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Processing research examines new recovery methods

Published: August 13, 2020

Mobile devices for e-scrap processing.

Researchers announced advancements in rare earth element recovery using a natural protein.| vilax/Shutterstock

Researchers developed a way to recycle e-scrap into a protective coating for steel. Meanwhile, a different team used a natural protein to extract rare earth elements from e-scrap.

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Pandemic trends lead to boosted PC sales in Q2

Published: July 16, 2020

Computers in a retail setting.

Second quarter PC shipments this year rose 2.8% compared with the second quarter of 2019. | joyfull/Shutterstock

PC shipments were up almost 3% during the second quarter of the year compared with 2019. Analysis firm Gartner says the growth was driven by stores beginning to rebound from the first-quarter COVID-19 disruptions, as well as a significant increase in laptop sales.

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Global e-scrap recycling rate has stagnated, study finds

Published: July 9, 2020

Scrap electronics for recycling.

The U.N. report also notes that the number of countries with national e-scrap policies, legislation or regulations increased from 61 in 2014 to 78 in 2019. | sasirin pamai/Shutterstock

A United Nations report estimates that 17.4% of e-scrap generated globally was recycled in 2019, well short of a goal of 30% by 2023.

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