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Tag Archives: research

Writer: Bitcoin mining fosters computer reuse, not waste

Published: November 11, 2021

Bitcoin and crypto mining room.

A recent op-ed argued that, because of manufacturing limitations, demand for used mining devices remains strong. | PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek/Shutterstock

A Bitcoin Magazine contributor says cryptocurrency mining provides an incentive to reduce the generation of e-scrap through the resale of used units.

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Here’s a look at some unique processing projects

Published: October 28, 2021

British Pound coins - stocksolutions/Shutterstock

Excir, a Canadian startup, will provide its hydrometallurgical technology to the British Royal Mint. | stocksolutions/Shutterstock

The British Royal Mint is going into e-scrap recycling with the help of a Canadian startup, and a U.S. university “flash cooks” e-scrap to efficiently extract metals.

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Here are the latest advances in battery processing

Published: October 14, 2021

Close-up of a Li-ion battery.

Federal researchers have developed a process that could make lithium-ion battery recycling more economically viable. | Allyson Kitts / Shutterstock

Scientists announce a breakthrough in recovering lithium-ion battery metals, two battery recycling companies merge, and an “AquaRefining” R&D center opens. 

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Texas e-scrap collection lags behind processing ability

Published: October 7, 2021

Obsolete electronics gathered for recycling.

Research shows there are nearly 60 electronics processing facilities in Texas, some focusing on refurbishment and reuse exclusively. | penofoto / Shutterstock

A state report examining recycling in Texas found there is ample capacity for e-scrap processing, but collection remains a major challenge.

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Partnership to pursue battery recycling standards

Published: September 23, 2021

Close up of a Lithium-Ion battery pack.

A public-private partnership will work to create standards that both manufacturers and recycling companies can use. | Janaka Dharmasena/Shutterstock

A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory and an industry association that represents battery manufacturers will collaborate to draft the first recycling standards for lithium-ion batteries.

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As Bitcoin continues to rise, so does its e-scrap impact

Published: September 23, 2021

Bitcoin miners on shelves.

New research quantifies the e-scrap impact from Bitcoin mining, the energy- and hardware-intensive process of creating new Bitcoins. | Arina P Habich / Shutterstock

Bitcoin mining generates 67.7 million pounds of end-of-life electronics worldwide per year, according to a recent analysis. That’s substantially higher than estimates from just a year ago.

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EPA outlines multifaceted e-scrap threat from batteries

Published: August 26, 2021

Pile of lithium ion batteries for recycling.

A recent EPA report noted that beyond the immediate health and safety concerns, batteries can create a substantial financial burden for e-scrap companies. | skimin0k / Shutterstock

Federal officials recently examined battery-related fires in a variety of recycling settings, including electronics processing sites. In addition to noting safety concerns, the analysis determined that batteries “jeopardize the economics of the electronics recycling industry.”

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What do consumers think about data destruction?

Published: August 19, 2021

A stack of laptops and mobile devices.

Only 11 of 131 study respondents said they didn’t try to remove any personal data before disposing of a device. | Neirfy / Shutterstock

Consumers are overwhelmingly concerned about their personal data, and most of them try to delete it before selling or recycling their devices, according to new research.

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No ‘magic formula’ to remove battery fire risk, report finds

Published: July 22, 2021

Fire alarm on a facility wall.

In e-scrap processing facilities, the report recommends specific staff training to identify and properly handle batteries, and more. | TnkImages / Shutterstock

After charting a global increase in e-scrap facility fires caused by damaged batteries, experts published a handful of key recommendations for preventing thermal events.

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What drives dishonest e-scrap practices?

Published: July 1, 2021

CRTs collected for processing.

Researchers pointed to targeted subsidies and higher penalties for fraud as things that could potentially solve the problem of dishonest recycling. | Gwoeii / Shutterstock

Cost is the main factor contributing to fraudulent recycling activities, researchers recently reported. They say improving the financial equation for e-scrap processors and raising the penalties for bad actors could reduce negative practices.

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