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Tag Archives: industry groups

Experts explore three pressing issues facing the industry

Published: June 10, 2021


Clockwise from upper left: Craig Boswell of HOBI International, Adina Renee Adler of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Russ Ernst of Blancco and Walter Alcorn of the Consumer Technology Association.

Pandemic-spurred spending might mean more electronics entering the recycling stream, but any boost may prove a temporary exception to a long-term downward trend, one expert said during a recent presentation.

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Industry group adopts position on environmental justice

Published: May 27, 2021

Workers at a electronics recycling facility.

ISRI’s adopted position comes as environmental justice is a growing topic of discussion within the recycling sector. | By VILevi / Shutterstock

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries recently affirmed its support for the “broad objectives” of the environmental justice movement, including equitable treatment for all people, positive contribution to surrounding communities, and more.

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E-scrap export ban comes before Congress again

Published: May 13, 2021

Cargo ship on the water outside Miami, Fla.

Past iterations of SEERA would allow exports of tested and functional devices as well as some separated commodities destined for recycling. | lazyllama / Shutterstock

National legislators have reintroduced a bill that would restrict the export of certain end-of-life devices. A coalition of electronics recycling stakeholders voiced support for the proposal.

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EPA leader connects recycling and environmental justice

Published: May 6, 2021

Aerial view of a community solid waste landfill.

At the recent ISRI2021 online conference, an EPA official touched on environmental justice issues that affect waste and recycling facilities. | Surapol USanakul / Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA’s top environmental justice official has a message for recycling operators: Don’t wait for a conflict to arise to start engaging with the community that surrounds you.

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SERI’s wireless tracker program reaches 100 firms

Published: April 29, 2021


Through a grant program, wireless trackers have been shipped out to R2-certified facilities on a rolling basis since December 2019. | MyCreative / Shutterstock

R2-certified electronics recycling and reuse companies across North America are following the movement of material using technology provided through a SERI grant initiative.

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Details on NERC’s diversity-building scholarship program

Published: April 15, 2021

Diversity concept with various color head icons.

NERC’s Next Generation Scholarship Fund is just one of multiple conversations the group is having on the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion. | Lightspring/Shutterstock

Leaders at the Northeast Recycling Council recently explained how they’ll use a new scholarship fund to help boost racial diversity in the next generation of recycling industry professionals.

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OEMs and processors join global e-scrap partnership

Published: March 25, 2021

Printed circuit boards for recycling.

The Circular Electronics Partnership is being facilitated by a handful of organizations, including the Global Electronics Council and the World Economic Forum. | Iryna Imago/Shutterstock

Dell, Glencore, Microsoft and Sims are among the founding collaborators of the Circular Electronics Partnership, a new initiative focused on boosting recovery and reuse of electronics.

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How can the sector boost female and minority leadership?

Published: October 22, 2020

Team meeting in a closed office.

Businesses of all sizes have put increased focus on workforce diversity during the past year. | Zivica Kerkez/Shutterstock

Electronics recycling leaders say a focus on representation as well as changes in corporate hiring and promotion practices can lead to a more diverse industry, in terms of both gender and race.

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Lights, camera, device repair: Movie highlights sector

Published: September 17, 2020

Two young women repairing their smartphones from the film Silicon Mountain

Bronte and Dominique, two consumers who in “Silicon Mountain” are tasked with trying to replace the batteries in their smartphones.

With export scandals, CRT stockpiles and more, the electronics recycling industry has suffered its share of image bruises. A short film being launched by an ERP vendor, however, casts a far more pleasant glow on the business of electronics recovery.

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