Apple recovered around 61 million pounds of e-scrap in 2015, according to the company. Continue Reading
Apple recovered around 61 million pounds of e-scrap in 2015, according to the company. Continue Reading
Environmental officials in Minnesota are still attempting to get MPC, once one of the largest electronics recycling companies in the Upper Midwest, to complete the cleanup of its former operation.
Millions of pounds of CRT devices abandoned by Utah’s Stone Castle Recycling continue to plague local communities.
As information comes to light about widespread landfilling of CRT glass in California, electronics recycling standards R2 and e-Stewards are working to determine their next steps.
Com2 Recycling Solutions is opening a facility in Georgia as it expands its capacity to produce a glaze product from CRT glass. The glaze is currently used on tile products made by Brazilian manufacturers.
E-scrap recycling company Regency Technologies has partnered with Dlubak Glass Company, a processor of scrap TV and PC monitors, on a joint operation that will recycle CRT glass.
UNICOR, also known as Federal Prison Industries, has shut down its electronics recycling facilities at several prisons across the country, leaving a sizable gap in the U.S. e-scrap recycling chain.
New York state regulators have fined a recycling facility for allowing lead and other hazardous materials to seep into the ground last summer.
Millions of electronics sit unused in Wisconsin homes, according to a report from the state’s e-scrap program, and awareness of recycling options is growing. Continue Reading
Despite having a CRT glass recycling furnace in place in New York, Nulife Glass has for years had difficulty coming into compliance with state facility rules.