An emerging retail sales outlet for refurbished phones, tablets and laptops has raised $48 million to help it expand.
An emerging retail sales outlet for refurbished phones, tablets and laptops has raised $48 million to help it expand.
A cryptocurrency mining rig (photo courtesy of Filmar Technologies)
When Serdar Bankaci went looking for a graphics card recently, he found frustration instead.
Computer Discounters Inc. has partnered with an Ireland-based reverse logistics and ITAD company to help both businesses bolster asset recovery operations within the U.S.
Nearly 300 IT product refurbishing experts convened in New Orleans this week to consider industry trends and to address barriers to growth. The event was the 14th annual Electronics Reuse Conference, now operated by the consulting firm E-Reuse Services.
Regulators say 1.6 million pounds of computers and monitors were recycled through the Oklahoma state program last year, the lowest weight in six years.
Samsung withdrew an environmental friendliness claim for a TV model after the manufacturer failed to prove its device met recyclability and reusability standards.
After receiving $400,000 from the federal government, a New York company is developing a mechanical system that could help e-scrap companies handle printed circuit boards more profitably.
A used electronics trading company was raided and shut down after officials filed a lawsuit accusing it of running a “bait and switch” scheme on consumers.
A professor has been honored by the U.S. EPA for developing a fast and low-cost method of recycling rare earth elements, including those inside electronics.
Millions of electronics sit unused in Wisconsin homes, according to a report from the state’s e-scrap program, and awareness of recycling options is growing. Continue Reading