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Certification scorecard: Aug. 23, 2018

Published: August 23, 2018


ASDD, a division of The Centers for Habilitation, of Tempe, Ariz.; Ohio Mobile Shredding of Columbus, Ohio; Reed Records Management of Wooster, Ohio; Shred Ace of Durham, N.C.; Shredders of Halifax, Nova Scotia; and The DocuTeam of San Luis Obispo, Calif. have achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.

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QML e-scrap recycling

COM2 cleared by OSHA

Published: October 19, 2012


All 10 citations levied against COM2 Computers and Technologies LLC by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration will be cleared by the end of the month, following a settlement agreement made between the agency and the company Oct. 16. Continue Reading

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Certification scorecard: Aug. 16, 2018

Published: August 16, 2018


Cascade Asset Management of Indianapolis; Document Destruction Services of Homer, Ga.; Off-Site Records Management of San Jose, Calif.; Secure Shredding and Recycling of Baton Rouge, La.; and Shredlogix of San Jose, Calif. have achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.

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