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OEM processing goals, mail-in education and reverse logistics

Published: April 15, 2021

Intel sign on company building with blue sky and trees.

Intel reported the company will expand the scope of its reverse logistics program and optimize reuse and recovery of returned products. | Bandersnatch/Shutterstock

Belkin reported on its recycling progress, Dell launched a collection advertising campaign, and Intel wrote about how it works with device returns. These are a few recent developments from electronics manufacturers.

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Resale market powers revenue boost for Texas company

Published: April 1, 2021

Stacked laptops for reuse and recycling against a white background.

Echo’s resale gross profit was $9.5 million in 2020, more than double the prior year’s. | Ari N/Shutterstock

A family of Dallas-area electronics processors enjoyed surging revenues and profits from the device resale business last year while the commodities recycling business grew at a slower rate.

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Collector and broker adds e-plastics processing line

Published: April 15, 2021

Closeup of collected e-scrap for recycling.

A 100,000-square-foot facility in Spain will have the capacity to process more than 50 million pounds of e-plastics per year. | sonsart/Shutterstock

Spanish plastics recycling operation Fosimpe will enter the mixed-plastics processing sector in the coming weeks, driven not only by the global regulatory environment but by greater public interest in domestic material processing.

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Details on NERC’s diversity-building scholarship program

Published: April 15, 2021

Diversity concept with various color head icons.

NERC’s Next Generation Scholarship Fund is just one of multiple conversations the group is having on the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion. | Lightspring/Shutterstock

Leaders at the Northeast Recycling Council recently explained how they’ll use a new scholarship fund to help boost racial diversity in the next generation of recycling industry professionals.

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Our top stories from March 2021

Published: April 1, 2021

CRT pile for recycling.

News about who will shoulder the financial burden of removing hazardous CRT waste in an abandonment case captured clicks last month. | Boonchuay1970/Shutterstock

An investigation into a controversial e-scrap company drew readers’ interest last month, along with stories about CRT abandonments, a facility acquisition and e-plastics processing expansion.

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