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ITAD firm opens new West Coast facility

Published: May 20, 2021

Apto Solutions facility interior.

The 20,000 square-foot Bay Area facility is optimized for Apto’s product flow. | Courtesy of Apto Solutions.

Nationwide processor Apto Solutions has replaced its California site with a new plant in the region, a move the company says will boost efficiency and provide a central location within Silicon Valley.

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Rating system gauges ITAD vendor reputation

Published: May 13, 2021

Computer user with a ranking system on screen.

Companies are graded on a scale of 1 to 10 for each attribute, with 10 being extraordinary and 1 being extremely poor. | Thapana Onphalai / Shutterstock

Research firm Compliance Standards this week began publishing company ratings based on customer reviews of the biggest ITAD players in the marketplace. The organization will release multiple reviews per week through the end of August.

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FTC signals support for right-to-repair push

Published: May 13, 2021

Exterior of the FTC building in Washington, D.C.

Recently the FTC said it would help with legislative efforts to increase consumer access to device repair. | Mark Van Scyoc / Shutterstock

When OEMs restrict the independent repair of electronics, they’re disproportionately hurting communities of color and lower-income people, federal regulators said.

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EPA leader connects recycling and environmental justice

Published: May 6, 2021

Aerial view of a community solid waste landfill.

At the recent ISRI2021 online conference, an EPA official touched on environmental justice issues that affect waste and recycling facilities. | Surapol USanakul / Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA’s top environmental justice official has a message for recycling operators: Don’t wait for a conflict to arise to start engaging with the community that surrounds you.

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Nonprofit processor plans major expansion

Published: April 29, 2021

Employees at the RecycleForce facility dismantle electronics.

RecycleForce currently processes about 10 million pounds of electronics per year, a figure set to triple with the upcoming facility. | Mark Curry / RecycleForce

RecycleForce, an Indianapolis e-scrap operation that hires formerly incarcerated individuals, will build a new facility that doubles its existing space. The project will give the organization a permanent home after it has moved several times over the years.

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Here’s where electronics repair bills are still alive

Published: April 29, 2021

Mass. state capitol building in Boston.

Legislation addressing electronics repair has advanced in Massachusetts, among other states. | Real Window Creative / Shutterstock

More than 40 legislative proposals have been introduced across the country covering repair of a variety of equipment types, and electronics-focused bills remain active in at least nine states.

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