Illinois legislators are quickly advancing a bill that aims to make it easier for e-scrap companies to send CRT glass to storage cells.
Illinois legislators are quickly advancing a bill that aims to make it easier for e-scrap companies to send CRT glass to storage cells.
Product lightweighting is preventing manufacturers from increasing e-scrap collection volumes in Canada’s most populous province.
A recycling company in upstate New York has been targeted by state officials over allegations of mishandling materials.
A Midwest electronics recycling executive lied to clients to generate large sums of money and used company funds for gambling and other personal expenses, according to court documents.
Firms active in California’s electronics recycling program increasingly turned to landfill disposal for CRT material in 2016.
A stockpile of CRT glass in the Midwest has caught the attention of the U.S. EPA and led state regulators to suspend an e-scrap company’s license to accept the material.
Hamstrung by regulatory setbacks in Pennsylvania and New York, Nulife Glass is in the midst of a major restructuring in order keep its CRT glass recycling business alive.
A Virginia-based processor has run into CRT glass management challenges in the wake of the collapse of Closed Loop Refining and Recovery.
Sustainable Electronics Recycling International has started compiling and publicly posting lists of e-scrap companies with suspended, revoked, expired or reinstated R2 certifications.
When investigators reported last year on how new PCs were failing to meet their stated sustainability credentials, a reoccurring problem emerged: e-plastics weren’t being labeled correctly.