E-Scrap News magazine is the premier trade journal for electronics recycling and refurbishment experts. It offers updates on the latest equipment and technology, details trends in electronics recycling legislation, highlights the work of innovative processors, and covers all the other critical industry news.
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Even if an e-scrap facility is not thought to be processing toxics-emitting devices, it should be testing for toxic substances.
A Pennsylvania county gets its first collection center years after the state’s electronics landfill ban was enacted, and Washington state reports lower collection weights than a year ago.
Chinese customs authorities announced a crackdown on illegal imports of scrap electronics and other materials.
The world’s two largest smartphone brands, Samsung and Apple, shipped fewer devices in 2016 than one year earlier. Continue Reading
Dell says it has consumed 50 million pounds of post-consumer plastics, including millions of pounds of resin from recovered electronics.
China’s recent crackdown on imports of e-scrap and other materials has exposed smuggling operations, led to dozens of arrests and resulted in the confiscation of more than 22,000 tons of material.
A smuggling crackdown in China is causing headaches for U.S. companies that recycle plastics recovered from electronics.
Updates to the R2 standard continue to be developed, and a large e-scrap processing facility is under construction in South Australia.
A New Jersey lawmaker may introduce legislation boosting the government’s role in e-scrap recycling, a move electronics manufacturers would likely fight.